After the WrestleMania taster and Plot Earring’s grand entrance, Nora tells Lucía that Tere found the earring in Rebeca’s room when she was cleaning ( hacer el aseo). Nora put it in her nightstand drawer and forgot to give it back to her mother. Lucía says she’ll do it herself. Nora asks her why she’s gone berserk over this. “Don’t mind me. Lately, I get upset ( alterarse) over the darndest things.”
Marcelo’s cellphone receives the MMS picture message of Lucía and Dr. Fondler locked in an amorous clinch. Naturally, Milagros checks it out and shows it to Rafaela as proof that her adored Lucía doesn’t give a toss (le importa un comino. Lit.: “She cares as much as a cumin seed”) that Marcelo is detained (preso ). Rafaela thinks they shouldn’t rush to judgement. Maybe the young man in the photo is her relative (un pariente) or a family friend. “Or her grandpappy!” sneers Milagros. This isn’t the first time Mother Terror has seen this guy with that two-timing tart ( mosca muerta . Lit.: “dead fly”). Rafaela maintains that there must be a plausible explanation. Sometimes, appearances can be deceiving ( a veces las apariencias engañan). “Oh, shut up and stop defending the indefensible!” snaps Milagros.
Lucía asks Tere about Plot Earring and the housekeeper corroborates Nora’s story. The earring was indeed in Rebeca’s room and Tere knows this because it caused the vacuum ( la aspiradora) to suddenly stop as soon as it aspirated it. This happened the day after Alonso’s funeral, may he rest in novela peace. That’s enough evidence for Lucía to march into Rebeca’s room, ready to draw blood. Whora Major is not there so Lucía checks the jewelry box sitting on top of the dresser and finds Plot Earring’s twin. She holds both earrings up to examine them closely and audibly gasps: “Marcelo was right!”
Sergio wants to know why Rodrigo accepted his father’s job offer at the
fábrica when he was so adamant against it up until an episode ago. Rodrigo reckons this is his opportunity to be close to Lucía, especially now that a certain idiot named Marcelo isn’t orbiting her. Delusions of grandeur doesn’t just run in the Zúñiga family, it competes in triathlons. In another blatant breach of the Attorneys’ Code of Ethics, Sergio asks Rodrigo whether he discussed Marcelo’s case with his father. Rodrigo pretends they didn’t talk about it because it never came up. Sergito the chismosito wonders whether Rodrigo would be bothered if he were to find out that his dad was behind Marcelo’s arrest. Rodrigo says he doesn’t care. If anything, he’s grateful to his father for ridding him of Marcelo.
Rebeca is in Alonso’s study rummaging through his papers. She finds Adriana’s photo frame in one of his desk drawers and starts stabbing it viciously with a pair of scissors. Nora comes in to ask her whether Lucía gave her back Plot Earring. Lucía went nuts when she found it. Why is that, Mommy Whorest?
Lucía is still staring intently at Plot Earring and its twin, her eyes filling up with tears and enraged resolve. When Rebeca enters the room, Lucía walks up to her and without saying a word, Zsa-Zsas her hard across the face! Here’s Lucky Number 52 for your Slapster Roster, Kendra! “Marcelo was right! Yes, you did talk to my dad before he died! Yes, he came here looking for you! Yes, he chewed you out for your cheating ways and for what you did to Marcelo’s brother! But above all, I am certain he must’ve confronted you for using my mother’s name to sleep around with Lord knows how many men!” Rebeca resorts to her favorite defense technique: Deny, deny, deny in a shrill voice while pouting and flailing her arms about. She claims she was out of the house the whole afternoon and didn’t return until well after dark, when Alonso was already dead. The headshrinker and Mother Terror can testify to this and confirm her timeline. Lucía demands an explanation for how Plot Earring found its way back to Whora Major’s room. This is the same earring that she left beside Federico’s lifeless body and that has been contrivedly pushing the plot along ever since. Marcelo gave Plot Earring to Alonso and Lucía is sure that her dad threw it in Whora Major’s face when he confronted her. This is the earring you had in your jewelry box ( alhajera) and this here is Plot Earring! What do you have to say for yourself? Rebeca suggests that maybe Alonso dropped it in her room. You lie! Lucía is positive Rebeca spoke with Alonso that night. She could swear Rebeca was there when he died. This conclusion makes her lunge at Rebeca: “What did you do to my daddy?” “I didn’t do anything! He was already dead when I got here. He had a heart attack with nobody around to help him and he must’ve died hating your precious Marcelo! And yes, [he died hating] me as well, surely.” “Your explanation doesn’t convince me. But rest assured that this doesn’t end here! I swear that as long as there is a breath in my body, you will never have peace of mind ever again! I will personally take care of that!” Nora frantically bangs on the door: “Hey, what’s going on in there?” Rebeca is grateful for this reprieve: “Go on! Tell your sister what you suspect regarding your father’s death! If she slashes her wrists again, it’ll be all your fault!” Lucía announces that she is keeping Plot Earring. She hurls Plot Earring’s irrelevant twin at Rebe’s feet with a look of utter disdain on her face. Nora is allowed in and she demands to be told what the deal is with them and those damn earrings. “And don’t say it’s nothing ‘cause I ain’t dumb!” Barely able to contain her contempt, Lucía points her in Rebe’s direction: “Your mom will explain.”
After the adrenaline rush in the viper pit, it is now time for waterworks galore in Lucía’s room. “What do I do now, Dear God? You were right, my love! You were right all along!” She flashbacks to the day of Trini’s funeral when she begged Marcelo to stay, because if he were to leave, she would die of sorrow.
Marcelo is sitting on the floor of his jail cell, alone with his compulsory “Pining for Lucía” flashback. A policeman informs him that he’ll be seeing the judge first thing tomorrow morning. “Does my lawyer know?” he asks. The policeman can’t say he does. That’s for you to find out, cupcake!
Back at Casa Gaxiola, Rebeca spins a fanciful tale to explain to Nora why she and Lucía locked horns a wee bit earlier. Lucía claims that the earrings belonged to her late mother. No way! Lucía must be tripping! Nora remembers clearly the day when her dad gave them to her mom as a wedding anniversary gift! Rebeca pretends that Lucía kept one of the earrings out of spite. She wanted to prevent Rebeca from ever wearing them again! “Your sister wants to dispossess ( despojar) us of everything that is rightfully ours and we can’t allow her to do it!” affirms Whora Major. Whora Minor agrees wholeheartedly. She insists that they ought to buy Lucía’s other half of the house then kick her out! “We need to be united against her! Now give your mommy a hug, will you? I love you!” The Whoras share a complicit hug that would be endearing if it didn’t ooze so much venom.
The next morning, Lucía goes to Casa Treviño to show her godfather Plot Earring. She summarizes the trajectory of that crucial piece of jewelry and reveals her suspicions about her evil aunt. Marcelo was right: Rebeca was the last one to see Alonso alive and, if she lied about being present when he died, it’s because the heinous vitch is hiding something! Nazario points out that this is all speculation and they have no tangible proof. Lucía wants to write a note to El Chapo Marcelo about this, since visits seem to be strictly prohibited for no valid reason whatsoever. Lucía can’t wait to share the happy news with her Fetching Papasito ! Plot Earring is the sign she has been hoping her dear departed dad would send her as proof that he blesses her union with the man who played him for a fool and betrayed his trust.
The Zúñigas Father and Son sashay into the fábrica with much pomp and smugness. They swagger along the corridor like they own place. Rodrigo greets Normita and she mutters a half-hearted reply. Ever the condescending tool, Amador turns to his son and asks: “It doesn’t smell like coffee in here, does it? Do you smell coffee?” He actually starts sniffing the air! Wow. Slow clap at the majestic douchebaggery. “That’s because I haven’t prepared any yet, Sir.” “That is why! Then please do prepare two coffees! Send one to Licenciado Zúñiga at his office, and another one for me, si es tan gentil , if you would be so kind. ” He accompanies Rodrigo to his new old office, the office he used to be holed up in all day pretending to work, before he jilted the boss’s daughter at the altar. Amador says the office is the same as Rodrigo left it, save for some of Marcelo Escalante’s personal items that will be chucked into a nearby dumpster dispatched to their owner shortly. Rodrigo asks his father why he didn’t mention yesterday that Marcelo was under arrest for embezzlement. Amador deemed it was uninmportant. “Is he guilty?” wonders Rodrigo. “If the police arrested him, it’s gotta be for something!” “The police arrested me as well, for Ligia’s murder, and I was innocent!” retorts Rodrigo. Amador tells him to stop thinking about nonsense. “Enjoy the moment and make yourself comfortable!” He gives his boy a hug to celebrate his return: “Welcome, son! So good to have you back!”
At the Ministerio Público , the receptionist informs Lucía that Marcelo posted bail this morning and was released a wee while ago.
Mario drops Marcelo at Puebla’s favorite hospital and asks him why he wanted to come here first. Marcelo replies that he needs to enquire about someone’s condition. “That person must be important to you since you decided to visit them first instead of going home to your mother... or going to see Lucía.” Marcelo says he’ll pop in real quick then go home. As for Lucía, he doubts very much that she would accept to receive him. Mario tells him he is wrong to assume that. Lucía was desperate to visit him in jail and was worried sick about him the whole time. Marcelo suppresses a hopeful smile but his dark thoughts immediately take over. He doesn’t think this means anything and much less that she would accept to get back together.
In the intensive care unit, Alfredo is in his fumigator uniform looking angsty and watching his daughter sleep. Suddenly, the machines hooked to Daniela start beeping. Come on, flatline! A flurry of scrubs rush into the room and order Alfredo out. Marcelo arrives to find the desperate father sobbing. He asks what’s going on with Daniela and Alfredo rips into him: “This is all because of you! My daughter is dying and it’s all your fault! You are the only one responsible of what’s happening! ¡Tu eres el culpable de absolutamente todo! ¡De todo! Everything is your fault! Absolutely everything!” Marcelo puts on his guilty puppy face and stifles a sniffle. Yeah, you’re to blame for everything that’s wrong wih Colorlandia and the world! Daniela’s accident, Alonso’s death, Federico’s suicide, climate change, MH370’s disappearance, coral bleaching, Justin Beaver, dessert pizzas, spaghetti straps over white T-shirts, stomping my pinky toe this morning... It’s all your fault, Marcelo! Alfredo knows he’s a terrible father but Daniela came to Puebla to follow Marcelo. His rejection made her the most miserable woman on earth and pushed her into Tricky Ricky’s slimy arms. Marcelo swears on his brother’s memory that he would give whatever it takes if it could avoid Daniela this suffering. “It’s too late to be sorry!” says Alfredo. Sara shows up and Alfredo begs her to save his daughter’s life.
Lucía goes looking for Marcelo at his apartment. Milagros welcomes her with a barrage of unfounded accusations and insulting insinuations. The usual drivel.
Drat! Daniela’s respiratory failure hasn’t killed her. Marcelo looks at her comatose body from behind the glass. Guilt-palooza.
Normita runteldats on the Zúñigas to Don Nazario and Lalo. Nazario thinks it’s best to pick their battles and not oppose Rodrigo’s return to the fábrica for now.
Rebeca is incensed that Rodrigo is back at Talavera Gaxiola. Amador says they will need a good manager for the admin side of the business. Rebeca reluctantly agrees. Whatevs, just keep your spawn away from mine!
At Casa Gaxiola, Lucía asks Tere if Marcelo has visited or called asking for her. Nope and nope. She goes upstairs to find Nora rummaging through her drawers. She is looking for her mother’s earring that Lucía stole. Lucía orders her out. Nora believes her mom is right: Lucía is indeed out to dispossess them! Lucía thinks it’s a shame that their attempt to become real sisters has failed. Nora can’t have a close relationship with her sister if that sister hates Nora’s mom and wants to kick her out of the house. Duh!
Marcelo is welcomed back to his apartment by Rafaela and Milagros. He sees Lucía’s photo with Dr. Fondler and gets upset.
Lety TMZ asks Sergio why he didn’t tell her about Marcelo. Because Mario wouldn’t let him so he went babbling to Rodrigo instead . Lety TMZ thinks he doesn’t trust her. “Of course, I trust you. More than anyone else. You’re my best friend!” “Is that how you see me? As your best friend?” Googly eyes back and forth. Sergio tells her they need to talk but not here. “Let’s go out to dinner tonight!” “I can’t, I’m meeting my dad.” “Why?” “I wanna give myself an opportunity to get to know him. Besides, he’s feeling down because of what happened to Daniela.” “What happened?” “Didn’t Rodrigo tell you? Daniela, Ligia’s cousin, and my dad are an item and Daniela had an accident and she is in a coma right now!” Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, I’m here all week for your chisme -quenching needs!
Ricardo protests Marcelo’s release on bail. The judge tells him to quit whining and to follow up on his cases like proper lawyers do!
Nora goes looking for Marcelo at the Ministerio Público. She bumps into Tricky Ricky who asks her whether she liked her Ma’s photo that he showed her. She snaps at him that it’s all a bunch of lies ( una bola de mentiras )! “Neither you nor anybody else will ever make me doubt my mom!” He tells her she reminds him of Rebeca when she was younger, only much more beautiful. He tries to caress her chin but she smacks his hand away: “Don’t touch me!”
Back at the fábrica , Rodrigo feels humiliated by Rebeca’s reaction when she saw him. She nearly kicked him out! Amador tells him not to worry. Rebe accepted him back. “How did you convince her? “By telling her that the
fábrica needs someone competent (hehehe!) and trustworthy (hehehe!) to replace Marcelo.” Rodrigo believes Rebe will never trust him again after what he did to Lucía and Nora. Amador assures him that Rebe doesn’t give two flying hoots about Lucía, but she did warn him to warn Rodrigo to stay away from Nora. Rodrigo would never touch Nora with a ten-foot pole. However, he is ready to move heaven and earth to win over Lucía. Amador likes the sound of that. “Did they bring you your coffee?” Rod says no. Amador goes into the corridor and hollers: “Normita! Where’s that coffee?”
Marcelo is at Casa Gaxiola. Lucía runs downstairs excited to see him and show him Plot Earring. They hug and she tells him how happy she is he’s free. She has so much to tell him. So does he. You go first! He tells her she was right. He is indeed responsible of what happened to her dad and of many other things. “No, Marcelo. I was feeling awful and I was very unfair to you. I found the sign I...” “Please let me finish! I swear that it was never my intention to harm anyone but my decision to come to Puebla in pursuit of an absurd revenge has hurt a lot people, especially you.” “Why are you telling me all this?” “Because it’s the truth. I clung to you (aferrarse ) and tried to force things but it’s time for me to leave you alone.” “Did you stop loving me?” He steps closer and caresses her face: “No, no, my love. No, Lucía. That would never ever happen. But I realized that I’m not the man who can make you happy.” “Marcelo, you are the only man I want to be with, forever!” “And you’re the only woman for me!” Smoocheroo. He interrupts the kiss and, fighting back tears, he says: “But there are too many things that prevent us from being together. Lucía, I wish you the very best. I hope you are very happy. I promise I won’t bother you again.” He walks away and she chases after him: “No, no, no! Marcelo!” He hesitates for a second but continues walking towards the door. She cries out to him, unable to contain her sobs: “Marcelo! Don’t leave!” He leaves nonetheless because the writers decided so. A devastated Lucía sits at the bottom of the stairs of doom and weeps with abandon. If it’s any consolation, here’s a nugget of wisdom that has helped many people survive romantic disappointment: “Si amas a alguien, déjalo ir. Si regresa, es porque alguien más también lo dejó ir. Es decir que nadie quiere a esa porquería. If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, it’s because someone else let them go as well. In other words, nobody wants that piece of trash.”
Thank you for visiting our patio. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!
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Permalink posted by Nandicta @ 1:43 PM
Hey Patio Pals! Sorry for the lateness and for the length. Enjoy the discussion! Good night :)
Permalink posted by Nandicta : Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 1:45:00 PM EST
Thank you so much, Nandicta! I love how worried Nora was about plot earring but as soon as Lucia was out of the room she went back to what she was originally doing, ruining her sister's relationship. And here I thought she was trying to be nice but no one is nice in matters of the heart.
Marcelo was so dumb for breaking up with Lucia. You;'ve been through so much and she still wants you dude but here you are breaking it off because you hurt her. It would've made more sense after she found out about him and Rebeca but at this stage in the game it feels so forced.
Also, so much unnecessaru blame going around. I'm sorry Alfredo but Marcelo didn't drive Daniela to do anything or drive like a maniac. She did it all by herself.
Permalink posted by Superalfie : Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 2:05:00 PM EST
Nandicta that was worth the wait...yes, 52 slaps Lucia is up to 12 and Rebecca has been slapped 10 times now - YEAH! if that's any consolation for the fact that she has gotten away with so many murders.
I agree. Marcelo is to blame for everything even that my eye was red 2 days ago, that the computer didn't forward my prescription to CVS pharmacy. I just want to slap him!
I knew Rodrigo had the ultimate goal of trying to win Lucia, but I really did hope he wanted to expose his father in the process. Doesn't look like he is co-signing illegal behavior which made me lose the last little bit of sympathy I had for that a$$.
Oh Nora. Doomed to hang herself when she realizes that her mother has been lying to her all along.
Daniela...damnit! Death really would have been good enough for her. I would have accepted this...we lose Alonso but we have to keep Daniela? Marcelo's fault!
I must say that when Marcelo chose to end his chase of Lucia, I really did a slow clap. I'm so glad. I'm so happy. I was so over it. She vowed to stick by him even if her father wanted to forbid their relationship and the first thing she does is break up with him "again" and try to get him to leave town. I didn't mind that she was mad at him when her father was lying on the floor or that she didn't really want to talk to him at first, but after that it should have been...please just give me a few days to let this go but call me or something. I'm glad he left her shattered. He didn't deserve to be thrown away and a couple of times for Dr. there!
Yes, I know they are bound to be together and maybe by that time I will be ok with it, but for now...whatever!
Stick with the juicy stuff like Slick Rick, killing team Amador and Becky, and even will Dr. Sara ever have the cobwebs removed from her cars undercarriage?
These are the things I want to know. Even with that crazy Millie sticking around to give it to Becky. Then she can go too.
- TheUpdatersoftelenovelasgh
- I am Emmanuel Hammond, a worshipa and a keyboardist, I live a life of simplicity and I really respect everyone no matter the rich or poor, religion or color.
Rafael cautions his mum as to why she invited Elsa and his son Rodrigo and she explained that it’s a perfect opportunity to mend their differences and so he warns Rafael to behave himself.
Onesimo tells Father Basilio that he is excited because he is finally going to talk to Rafael and Chalo to tell them about his relationship with Apolonia.
Macrina gets mad when she hears from Xochitl that Elsa asked Aurora to forgive her for thinking that she was a thief and Dionisio’s lover.
Camilo presents Ines at the party that she is going to perform for them and Chalo looks so happy to hear that Ines is going to sing at this birthday party. The lights are turned off and whiles Chalo walks in, they surprise him with a welcome message after turning on the light and he looks really happy receiving happy birthday messages from loved ones.
At the party, Jeronimo tells Elsa that since she decided to accept Aurora’s invitation, she could take the opportunity to smooth things out with Apolonia.
Ines isn’t happy about Rafael telling all the young women at the party to dance with Chalo without knowing that Rafael only invited all of the young ladies in town for the party so his brother Chalo can choose a girlfriend out of them at his 18th birthday. She then gets out of the hall in sadness and Chalo seeing that goes after her to explain things to her.
Epifania complains to Aurora that Jeronimo refuses to leave Elsa’s side when in fact she is rather the mother of his unborn son and Aurora says it’s hard time, she accepts that Jeronimo has broken up with her but will still be her child’s father but Epifania tells Aurora that if she truly wants to be her friend, she should help her win Jeronimo’s love back.
Chalo finally tells his mum that Ines is the woman of his life and Apolonia becomes rude to Ines and makes it clear that she wants her to stay away from Chalo, but he defends her and tells Apolonia that he loves Ines and no one can separate them and Apolonia get angrier with Ines for being in love with a minor.
Rafael tells Camilo that Aurora is his girlfriend while Monica and Rodrigo listen and Rodrigo feeling so hurt tells Monica that he believes Aurora still loves him, but Monica tells him that it’s only a wishful thinking, because whether he believes it or not, Rafael and Aurora are together, and that Apolonia is happy with that relationship but same vein, Aurora looks upset with Rafael because he lied about them being together.
Rafael tells the party guests that he and Chalo are proud to be Apolonia’s sons and thank God for bringing Aurora into their lives because she’s been a great blessing.
Macrina catches Wenceslao going out with a young woman and threatens him for toying with her daughter Xochitl.
At the party and whiles in Apolonia’s house, Elsa sees Apolonia kissing Onesimo, and in a fit of rage tells Onesimo that Apolonia was her husband’s lover and unfortunately, Rafael and Chalo overhear her as they walk in. Apolonia then admits to the children that Elsa isn’t lying but only said the truth because she cheated on their father and seriously they find it difficult to believe but she explained everything to them on how it happened and they look deeply hurt and disappointed in their mum.
Stay tuned to tonight's Episode of MY SWEET CURSE at 8:00pm! Watch the Repeat every afternoon at 2:30 pm, and omnibus on every Sundays from 12:00noon - 3:00pm. UTV, it's all about you!!
EPISODE 470 -473
At Shaurya’s residence
Diya confronts karan about his lie. He defiantly says that he did lie, but only to get her, as she had left him with no other option. he says that he tried to convince her but when she remained adamant, he had no other option but to concoct this lie, to get her to buckle to what she wants. He says that he loves her and didnt want to lose her, and hence after his mother agreed with much difficulty, he didnt want her adamancy to spoil it for their love. She says that those who love dont lie. Shaurya thinks that had they not needed karan for diya’s case, he would have taught karan a lesson. karan asks her not to be emotional. She says that her entire identity stands as a crisis. he asks her to let go of this arrogance and take back this case. she asks how can he suggest it, as she cant forget what happened to her, all her life, ans id dying inside. she says that tragedy ruined her, her family, her life, her work and her very existence. She says that she is being identified as the raped girl, from what she was before, a happy go lucky girl with aims and aspirations, and asks what was her fault in all this. she asks why should a woman suffer always, and this time she wont, as if she does today, thousands of girls shall be silenced like her. she says that now she is stuck on her resolve, and shall get them punished, at any cost. Karan eyes her tensedly. Diya says that since he has come along with her so far, then a little more steps, as they are this close to victroy. she stands wiping her tears determinedly. Shaurya wonders why is karan wanting her to take back the case all of a sudden, and marry diya, and understands that there’s more to it than meets the eye.
The sponsor’s residence
When karan shares this news with his sponsor, he gets angry. karan is worried of his reaction, and vehemently says that he tried everything in his power to convince her, but in vain. he says that it seems impossible now, as diya is very arrogant and shall stop at nothing now. The sponsor meanwhile is firing bullets in the air, and finally, he draws it at karan, who is shit scared asking him to calm down.
Court room
Nigam asks for Karan to be called in the witness box. While karan takes his place in the witness box, Nigam comes to him and asks him how much he loves diya. Karan asks what question is this. urmi says that this is irrelevant. Nigam says that it is relevant. The judge overrules the objection and asks him to get to the point. He grills karan so much so, that he confesses to him, that he might even kill someone for diya’s sake. Nigam says that if he can kill someone for diya’s love, he can definitely implicate innocent people, if pressurised by diya. urmi says that this isnt an accusation but a fact. nigam says that this isnt proven yet. The judge overrules urmi’s objection and nigam continues. urmi says that if karan has given testimony then why again. but nigam insists one more time. Nigam is allowed by the judge. He goes to karan and asks him to identify if these people, the rapists were the people who he got into a scuffle with that night, who then went on to rape diya. urmi stands up and says that karan has testified many a times, then why again. Nigam says that if he testifies one more time, then whats urmi’s problem, since karan has always said the truth, and this time too he shall say it. the judge again overrules and asks urmi to settle down and let the interrogation be. Nigam continues and asks him to not let innocent people be implicated and convicted. karan hesitates, while diya waits for him to testify. Karan says that the goons he had fought, he isnt very sure if it were the same people. urmi and diya are unable to believe his statement. Nigam asks what does he mean, and if the goons werent his clients then who were they. He says that he doesnt know but its definitely not these people. urmi, shaurya and diya are apalled and shocked. urmi asks whats he saying, and diys asks why is he lying, and begs him to say the truth. They along with shaurya ask karan to speak the truth, while he says that he is doing so. urmi points out when he has always said the truth, then why is he refraining now. She gives the example of Krishna standing by draupadi when she was taken advantage of, and asks him to man up. karan says that he isnt godly. urmi asks him to be human first and testify the truth. Nigam says that she is trying to bring mythological facts to mislead karan. She says that infact he is trying to distract the case. she asks karan to say the truth and not lie. Nigam says that he had been lying all this time, due to their pressure and has today spoken the truth. She asks whats the guarantee that he is saying the truth now, if they dont believe the earlier statements. the judge tells karan that misleading the court by varying statements is a crime and he can face legal implications. karan apologises with folded hands, and says that till now he was lying and today he spoke the truth, as he cant lie anymore, and continues the charade with urmi too. urmi and diya are shocked, while shaurya thinks that he knew this would happen. the judge asks him to clearly speak up. karan says that these people arent the rapists. Karan says that since the time diya has been raped, she has been mentally disturbed, and has not been the normal self that she is, and has developed psychological problems. Diya stands up in disgust and screams at him. shaurya composes her. urmi is apalled. Anirudh is furious. karan asks the judge to look at diya to find how distraught she is, and for her sake, he had to take their names, but not anymore. urmi asks and begs him not to lie, as diya would break down, and asks karan not to become like them. Karan tells the judge that these are the things that forced him to lie in the first place. Diya screams why is he saving the rapists. Karan says that diya is so mentally imbalanced that she finds her rapists in everyone, and tomorrow might accuse him too. She asks and breaks incoherently whats he saying. he continues with his pretense that he held her ground for so long, but not anymore. Shaurya says that karan is lying. nigam asks them to stop the drama. urmi says that they are doing so, as overnight karan cant change his statement like this. Karan continues with the pretense, and asks urmi to let the innocent be scot free. nigam says that they are trying to pressurise him yet again, and since there is no case, he asks the judge to acquit the accused. urmi asks the judge not to, as this would make the people lose their faith on the indian judicial System. nigam says that they dont have any evidence and their eye witness too turned against them. urmi pleads and asks for one chance. The judge says that prosecution doesnt have evidence nor any strong facts, but considering the severity of the case, he shall hear it one more time. The judge says that having finalised the date for the last hearing of the case, the court releases the accused, on bail, due to lack of supportive evidentiary facts. He adjourns the case. Diya is apalled, while urmi and aanirudh are angry.
Madhu walking on the road to temple..! Dips says..that Madhu has gone to pray to save RK as its her venomous words thats gotten RK in this condition! Radha defends Madhu..!
Madhu prays for RK …as Docs try to save RK! Bullets taken out..! Madhu says that she knows how to worship him but not how to ask something .. as he never let her ask anything but today she wants RKs life for her every fast.. every diya lit! She says today Bappa has to prove she was rite and RK who called him stone was wrong! Doc says RKs sinking..!
Pandit gives a flower to blessing..! Suddenly Radha feels something has gone wrong..!Madhu self thot.. hope u will save Rishab..! Docs try to save RK but heartbeat goes flat! Radha feels somethngs wrong..! Docs keep trying ..Nurse tells family RKs heartbeats have stopped..! Radha faints..! Bittu starts bawling.. that RKs his fighter.. cant go like this..! Madhu overhears.. and runs ..towards the OT
She sees Docs trying to save RK but they give up and remove his oxygen mask..! Docs declare RK dead.. ! Madhu comes near RK and says.. ‘GET UP’ .. ‘ENOUF’ .. n shakes him and says.. he had said he doesnt act for free..! She asks him to get up as his fans.. his dreams are waiting..! She says.. he cant accept defeat..! She keeps shaking him..! She says..she knows he can hear her..n asks why he is lying there? She asks if he doesnt wanna do Biwi..! She says..he has two options.. get up. .or… get up..! RKs mouli opens and is about to fall when adhu holds it and ties on RKs hand! Madhu puts the flower in RKs hand and puts tilak on his forehead..n chants Bappa Morya!
Radha n all come to him..! Radha breaks down.. ! RKs hand moves..! Paddo sees!
All chant Bappas name..! RK moves..! All are delighted!
Precap — Kuku -Sikky slaps shooter.. saying he had asked to have injured RK not killed him .. ! Shooter says. he was about to shoot ..but someone else shot before him ..! Kuku wonders who shot RK then?…
Part 1
Paddo says RKs hand is moving..! Madhu looks at RK and keeps saying Ganpatti Bappa Morya.! All join in to chant!RK moves and Bittu goes to call Doctors.! The hearbeats start coming back! Doctors rush back! Radha asks if her son will be ok! Doc says ok! Doc says..had heard of miracles today first time saw it! Docs send everyone out..! RK is moving..! Madhu turns to leave and RK holds her hand! Nurse tells Madhu to leave as RK is in critical condition! Madhu tries to free her hand but RK is not ready to leave! Madhu calls to Bittu and everyone sees RK holding Madhus hand! Doc tells Madhu that its ok and asks her to stay back! He asks nurse to get the injection! Everyone comes out of the OT! Slowly RK passes out and losens the grip on Madhus hand! Madhu holds RKs hand and puts it on the bed! She prays to Bappa! Doc comes out and says that things are under control and RK is out of danger! Radha says now nothing can happen to her Rishu! Madhu is relieved and comes out of the OT! Radha blesses Madhu as Dips watches on with a smirk! Radha bends to touch Madhus feet and Madhu stops her! She asks what Radha is doing? Radha says Madhu has given RK a new life.. thats why her Rishu is with her ..! Its coz of Madhus faith and devotion that RKS breath is going on! Radha says that RK has not given Madhu fully the status of his wife but Madhu has done a job as great as the greatest wife in the world, Savitri! Madhu says that if anything had happened to her, RK would have done the same.. he too would have bet his life to save her! Bittu thanks Madhu and calls her Bhabhi jee and says that he would have died had anything happened to his chief! Madhu says not her.. but Bappa has saved him! Madhu says..she had said to keep faith as Bappa is RKS friend and would not have let any harm fall upon him! Madhu says one day Bappa will return her son to her! Radha hugs Madhu and says its the good fortune of all of them that Madhu is connected to them! Madhu smiles looking at the OT!
Shammo is pacing in the house and a guy comes and asks the matter! He says its ok! Paddo comes and Shammo asks that news says RK got shot and is very serious? Paddo goes to the temple in the house and does diya and thanks him! Shammo asks if RK is dead or alive? Paddo says.he will survive..nothing will happen to him! Paddo says that RK would not have survived, he had died but Madhu saved him! She says that Madhus devotion, prayers and faith has saved RK and brought him from the jaws of death just coz of Madhu! Paddo tells Shammo the whole thing! Shammo says that something is there in RK.. first he left Shammo to die then used it to marry Madhu and now dunno what magic has he done on Madhu that she walked bare feet to Siddhi Vinayak for his life! Shammo says that he does not know whether to be happy on Madhus act or cry! Paddo tries to explain but Shammo says that he should have died at the hosp itself atleast he would not have had to see such day!
Bittu says that he will be able to take calls a few hours later! All are waiting in the hosp! Sikky says that his back has given up so either to take him home or admit him! Kuku says that even if for show.. he is RKs dad so…and asks Sikky to go to hell! Doc comes and Radha asks how RK is? Doc says that he is much better but kept under observation for next 24 hours! Doc says that Madhus faith has given a medically dead patient another life! Radha says that the person who wanted to kill RK did not know that RK has held Madhus hand who would not let him go anywhere! Cop comes and says that the person is not related to Sultan or his person.! All ask how they know? Cop says that Sultans name was used..! Kuku asks who did it? Cop says investigation is on and they will get the truth out soon! Bittu asks them to rush! Cop says that two big names is involved in this case.. one international don and another superstar so they wont spare the third person involved!
Part 2
Kuku comes to the shooter and he slaps him! Kuku says that he had asked to shoot RK to scare him ! But they fired RK the way that he almost died and now has not changed the sim yet..! Shooter says that he was aiming to shoot RK but someone shot him from before! Sikky asks him to cut the crap! Shooter asks them to check his rifle and that he did not shoot! They show flashback where shooter is aiming at RK but before he can fire someone else fires the shot at RK!
Part 3
Sikky wonders who shot RK? Kuku says that cops have traced that RK got calls from Juhu ..and tells Shooter to disappear for sometime! Sikky asks the shooter to leave and hedoes! Sikky asks Kuku who the new player is..and they were thinking to scare RK and take money.. but now who is this new enemy? Kuku says yes someone who is even our BAAP..!
Precap — RK in the hosp bed and its dark..! A figure is walking towards RK..! [Girls hand ..] She is holding wire to strangle RK..! Suddenly.. Bittu-Madhu come and switch on the lights and are surprised at seeing something!
Karan and Preeta come into Sherlin’s room to find a proof. In the washroom, Prithvi hears the door knob, then decides not to go outside until Sherlin calls him. He was excited that she had come over. There, Sherlin finds the main door unlocked and wonders if Prithvi came from the front door today? Rishab comes from behind coughing, Sherlin takes him inside afraid about Prithvi. Preeta sat upset about not finding a proof against Sherlin. Karan calms her down when they hear Sherlin and Rishab enter. Preeta panics that Sherlin would treat her badly now. Karan calms her down. Sherlin brings Rishab inside, she notices the room light was switched on and Prithvi was inside. She decide to go inside later to warn Prithvi not come out.
Prithvi wonders why Sherlin didn’t call him outside yet, and
was afraid if her mother has also come home. He fell down in the washroom and finally calls Sherlin.
Sherlin denies hearing the call but Rishab hears Prithvi. In the room, Karan forces Preeta to speak to Prithvi in voice of Sherlin and call him out of the washroom. Preeta was reluctant but finally speaks with Prithvi upon Karan’s insistence. Prithvi senses her voice was way too sweet to be Sherlin and asks her to tell his pet name.
Outside, Rishab was concerned about Sherlin’s safety about the voice. He insists upon looking into the room. Sherlin pretends getting a foot cramp and sends Rishab to get ice pack.
Prithvi suspects Preeta and asks her to calls his pet name then. Preeta was speechless. Sherlin enters the room then calling him as Punnu. Preeta and Karan were under the table. As they try to make a video of Prithvi, Preeta makes a noice. Both were alert. Sherlin whispers to Prithvi to leave right now so that no one gets a proof of them together. She sends Prithvi to washroom again and goes out on Rishab’s call.
Rishab had brought an ice pack for Sherlin. She makes up that she went to washroom. Preeta and Karan decide to go out and catch Sherlin red handed with her lover in front of Rishab. Prithvi was worried as Karan and Preeta head towards the washroom. Karan comes into the washroom but no one was there. He says they couldn’t find a proof, now they must go home before Sherlin proves them liars in front of Rishab.
Prithvi had climbed out of washroom window. He was curt of Preeta for teasing his Sherlin.
Karan and Preeta were walking past the corridor, leaving for home. They hide behind the wall as they watch Rishab and Sherlin in the hall. Preeta hits a vase that fell down on floor and breaks.
PRECAP: Prithvi calms Sherlin down in the room as its only him. Sherlin says she now understand how important it is for him to marry Preeta. She tells him to encage Preeta through marriage, this way she will distance with Rishab as well. Rakhi was happy to hear from Sarla about Preeta’s roka.
Update Credit to: Sona
A budding love unfolds before our very eyes.
I feel sorry for Yan Zi though. If only he didn’t fall ill, he’ll be keeping Jing Zhi for himself. But then again, we wouldn’t be having an Amazing Boyfriend for Jing Zhi, or a drama series even, if that that happened, neh?
Episode 11
Ling Qiao returns to the crime scene. I’m guessing he’s looking for the picture of the young man. But unfortunately, he didn’t find it. And basing upon the unopened milk bottles, he deduces that the killer disguised as the milk delivery man.
At the same time, Yan Zi looks at a map and traces his car’s locations for the past weeks. He takes note of the fact that the car has been to places where the couple lived and on the day of the murder, it was parked near the crime scene.
Jing Zhi casually watches TV at home when Ling Qiao returns. The smell of caffeine and disinfectant catch her attention. She guesses that Ling Qiao went to a coffee shop and a hospital. Ling Qiao is quite impressed, but her logic is only half-correct. Yes, he did go to a coffee shop, but the disinfectant, however, is because he returned to the crime scene.
While sitting opposite to each other and enjoying a cup of coffee, Ling Qiao relays that the enemy is desperate to cover his tracks, so he killed the couple just for the picture. He then breathes in the coffee’s aroma. Jing Zhi asks why he’s doing that when he doesn’t drink coffee at all. He simply replies that it’s for his own relaxation. Jing Zhi is sickened by his logic and wonders what other perverted thoughts he has. Haha!
Suddenly, the door rings. Ling Qiao knows that the visitors are Yan Zi and his partner, so he reminds Jing Zhi to just relax and tell them that she has never been to the murder scene. As expected, Ling Qiao is considered a person of interest in the double murder case and is brought to the police station for investigation.
At the station, Yan Zi interrogates Ling Qiao. It’s obvious he’s already dead-set on believing that Ling Qiao is somehow involved. But the latter is resolved to prove his innocence. Ling Qiao coolly states that he was indeed looking for the couple because he was trying to retrieve a family heirloom. A few days back, he got news from the auction house and learned where they lived but when he went to the place the couple already transferred. In short, he didn’t meet the couple and it was purely a coincidence that he was near the place where they were murdered. Yan Zi refuses to believe him and insists that he’s lying.
Before Yan Zi leaves, Ling Qiao boldly asks if it’s illegal to put a tracker on a car. Yan Zi dismissively answers that if it is someone else’s car, then it is. But since, it’s his car, then there’s no issue of legalities there. Ling Qiao can only chuckle at the lucidity.
Jing Zhi is clearly hurt by Yan Zi’s adverse action. She throws him the keys and dejectedly tells him to take it away. By that she means, both his car and his love because she doesn’t deserve any of it. Yan Zi is disappointed at her reaction as well and retorts that she has become blinded by love. She confirms. In fact, she loves Ling Qiao so much that she can’t even bear the thought of being separated with him. She can’t eat, sleep and her tears won’t stop falling if he’s not around. Yan Zi keeps his silence and calmly tells her to go home, guaranteeing that Ling Qiao will be released after 48 hours.
When alone, Yan Zi admits his fault but nevertheless stands by his decision without regrets because that was his only way of keeping her. Awww!
Jing Zhi worries for Ling Qiao. Dong Dong, however, remains a hundred and one percent unperturbed and reminds her that Ling Qiao has super powers. Obviously, he can escape from the station if he wants to. Still, she remains anxious and calls Xuan Xuan for some advice.
Sadly, Xuan Xuan doesn’t answer her calls because she has problems of her own. Ye Chen happens to be at the restaurant where she’s at and notices her foul mood so he initiates a conversation. They are having their normal teasing and bickering when Xuan Xuan’s mother called. Over the phone, she and her mom has a bitter spat over her arranged marriage with Shi Guang and vows to marry anyone, even a beggar, if he’s the one she loves. She hangs up and meets Ye Chen’s uneasy glance. They both laugh at the awkward moment. Xuan Xuan lightens the mood, saying that her life is just like those of a typical idol drama. She then bids her farewell.
Xuan Xuan wanders around and finds Ye Chen waiting for her. Seems he decided to keep her company for the day and he’s wise enough to use blackmail on her so she’s forced to agree. Haha! Unfortunately, his car broke down somewhere along a secluded road in the middle of the night and she lost her phone. Yeah, and they keep on telling us that Jing Zhi is jinxed. Tehehe! Without nothing much to do, Ye Chen invites her to just spend the night and watch sunrise together. It’s cold so he puts his coat over her shoulders. Kyaaah!
The next day, Xuan Xuan is still unreachable via phone, so Jing Zhi goes to her home to check on her. But Xuan Xuan’s still not there yet. Shi Guang happens to pass by too so he volunteers to give Jing Zhi a ride.
In the car, Shi Guang shares that Xuan Xuan had a tiff with her Mom. She’s calling off the wedding and refused to marry him for money. Basically, that’s the reason why Xuan Xuan suddenly disappeared. Guess, love is much harder than charity or any business deal.
Out of nowhere, goons chase them and keeps on bumping their car. Fearing for dear life, Jing Zhi immediately calls Ling Qiao. But since he’s still under police custody, he can’t answer her calls. At the station, Ling Qiao feels her fears and tries desperately to get out of the detention room. He even reach to the point of kicking down the door. Police men assumes he’s escaping, so they point guns at him. He can only beg for them to take his call because Jing Zhi is in grave danger. Thankfully, Yan Zi’s partner gives him the benefit of the doubt.
And yes, he’s right. The police responded immediately and comes in time to save Jing Zhi and Shi Guang from the unknown attackers. Luckily, they escape from the life-threatening experience with just bruises and minor concussions.
Ling Qiao is finally released. Yan Zi offers to take him to the hospital where Jing Zhi was taken. He’s rather curious why Ling Qiao knew that Jing Zhi is in danger, why he’s so darn calm about it and why Jing Zhi chose to call him instead of the police for help. Ling Qiao simply says that he’s basing his reaction on Yan Zi’s cool demeanor and concludes that Jing Zhi is far from danger. As to why he knew she’s in danger, he call it connection between lovers. Lastly, she called him because she doesn’t trust the police. He may not be superman but he’s someone Jing Zhi trust.
When Ling Qiao arrives, Jing Zhi frantically calls for him. She gets all emotional and hugs him tight, crying like a child. She repeatedly asks him where he was and why he didn’t come sooner. She recalls his promise of protecting her, wailing that she waited for him to save her but he didn’t come. Her unexpected outburst even make the nurses and doctors cry. Yan Zi, who also witnesses the scene, gets hurt and leaves quietly.
When Jing Zhi has calmed down, Ling Qiao comments that he thought she had brain damage because of how she acted earlier. Haha! He then asks what happened and she answers bad guys were chasing them. She further complains that her bad luck has been upgrade. Ling Qiao smiles at her reaction and clips back a strand of loose hair. Aww! Both are taken aback by his unconscious gesture.
Ling Qiao diverts the topic, asking where Shi Guang is. Jing Zhi replies that he already left because of work. He then wonders who the real target is. Jing Zhi defends that she never angered anyone except him. Tehehe!
With the recent accident, Jing Zhi hopes that the media will be subtle in their reports. But it proves to be only a wishful thinking because right after she made the pronouncements, Dong Dong calls to inform her that she once again hits the headlines. Bashers and unbelievers deem the accident as a publicity stunt. Jing Zhi whines, asking where her real fans are and why they are not defending her. She looks at Ling Qiao for help but he just tell her he’s Xuan Xuan’s fan. Haha! She then murmurs that only parents’ love are real love. Speaking of parents, she suddenly remembers she has them and they sure know about the news by now.
Jing Zhi already prepared her most convincing crocodile tears when Mom and Dad arrive to check on her. She had it all thought out and cries that she lost the baby because of the accident. Dad sure is worried and tries to console her. But Mom has already uncovered her lies when she went to the hospital and the doctor said she wasn’t pregnant. Mom is pissed and in anger, she throws pillows at Jing Zhi and starts to beat her up. Jing Zhi runs for cover and just in time, Ling Qiao arrives to save the day. Tehehe! He tells them that Jing Zhi only lied because she was afraid they will not approve of their relationship. Dad backs his story, assuring that Ling Qiao has a tough body and surely Jing Zhi will get pregnant in no time. Ahaha! Mom seems to be appeased by that. Haha!
Before they go home, Dad reminds Ling Qiao and Jing Zhi to get married first before having a baby. Ling Qiao is somehow enjoying the moment and promises to work hard for it. Haha!
It is night. Ganga peeks out from the window. I am not going to get scared of anything. They can scare me for anything but I wont fall weak. I will leave from here tonight at any cost.
Niru tells Sagar how strong Ganga is. She always tries to move forward even in times of troubles. You too have to become strong like her. Nothing will be tough for you then. Sagar agrees to remain strong. But when will she return? Niru too doesn’t have an answer for that yet but he assures his son that Ganga will be with them very soon. She is a strong girl. She will have to come back. He hugs his son. Niru hopes that tomorrow brings a new start too. Hope we get to meet Ganga again.
Next morning, Heera and Surili have decided to keep the girls in the carton. No one will even doubt on us. Heera tells her
that they will have to wait for the night. The public can create trouble. Surili nods. These girls should not find out about where we are taking them. Blindfold them and bind their hands too. Make those girls happy with makeup and all. We have to divert their mind. Surili calls out for Kamini.
Ganga wakes up. She peeks out from the window. It is raining outside. She gets sad as it is her first day of school. I was waiting for this day since so long. I am missing you all Babu, Bahu ji, Sagar. Please take me from here. Kamini brings food for Ganga. Ganga tries to escape from the open door but Kamini stops her. Eat breakfast. Ganga talks about the rules that a widow has to follow. One takes bath and then does puja. Then only can one eat anything. She next gives her colourful clothes. Kamini reasons that no one is here to tell Amma ji anything. Ganga refuses to cheat Amma ji. I know it.
A girl calls out for Amma ji. Amma ji gets happy for a second thinking that it is Ganga but her face falls when she notices the girl. Maharaj ji asks her why she dint go for the Ganga snan today. Neither of them have slept in the night. Amma ji hopes that nothing wrong happens with Ganga as she is just a little girl. A girl is not safe out in the open these days!
Ganga requests Kamini to let her go. You look a little soft. That other lady (Surili Bai) looks a little strict. Kamini tells her that just like she cannot go against Amma ji, she cannot do anything against Surili Bai’s orders. Ganga is surprised. Surili Bai is much stricter than Amma ji? She doesn’t allow you to go out in the day time also? This is wrong! Kamini stands there all quiet.
Amma ji is sure it is some enemy as there has been no ransom call so far. Who will do this to that little girl? Mehri points out at Prabha. She dint like Ganga at all. Prabha overhears this and twists it back on Mehri. She next points out at Omkar. He always used to have a problem with Ganga. She too always used to complain regarding him. Omkar is tensed while Amma ji scolds Prabha. There is no one in our house who can commit such a sin. We are good people. She asks Maharaj ji to find out about Ganga’s whereabouts. Did she have any fight with the kids she used to play with? Maharaj ji leaves to find out. Amma ji is really worried for Ganga.
Omkar questions the men whom he had made kidnap Ganga. Where is she? Is she with you people only? The situation has gone out of hand. Police is looking for her. Tell me where she is and I will take her home. They stand there quietly. We have sold her to Surili Bai. Omkar slaps them. You sold her? Have you lost your mind? I dint tell you about any such thing! One of the guys take out a knife and points it at him. Enough of your drama! We did what you wanted us to do. Give Surili Bai 60k to take her back if you want her back. They also warn him not to raise his hand on them again or they wont spare them. Omkar thinks that this isn’t what he wanted. I dint want her to get there. I only wanted to make my image in Niru’s eyes better. Things took just about another turn here!
Ganga still hasn’t eaten. She sits near the bed. Will I have to live here only? Will I not be able to go back to my home again? How will I live without them?
Omkar doesn’t have that much money. I will have to do something. If anyone gets any clue about Ganga or takes my name then I will be finished. I have to think of something. Ganga should return and no one should doubt on me too!
Niru tells raghav ji to get another date for the court proceedings. I am not in a condition to do anything. Madhvi asks him to eat something but Niru denies. I am worried about Ganga. Amma ji tells him not to be sad. God will set everything right. She asks him to eat and he finally agrees. Prabha comes running inside the house holding a newspaper in her hand. A troop of goons have started kidnapping little kids in our city. They take out their body parts and sell it. Two such kids were found dead last week only. What if something like that happens to Ganga? Madhvi stops her. Niru calls Raghav ji as he gets up to go to the police station. Amma ji scolds Prabha for talking without realising the situation.
Omkar rushes inside the house as he calls out for everyone. I have found info about Ganga. I have seen her. Everyone is surprised and a little relieved.
Surili Bai pays Omkar’s goons more money. They tell her that Omkar is asking for the girl. Surili tells them that girls don’t go back from here. Heera wonders what if he brings police. The guys are sure Omkar wont do that as he himself will get into trouble. He isn’t that foolish!
Niru, Raghav ji and Omkar are at the police station. Omkar shares that he was looking for Ganga. I noticed her. Some people were taking in a car forcefully and took her away. I tried to follow them but I lost them. I couldn’t see where they exactly took her.
Ganga notices a small window tab above the door. She throws a shoe down through it. Can anyone hear me? Take me out from here.
Precap: Niru reaches the brothel along with police.
Update Credit to: Pooja
Inspector asks Omkar if it was Ganga only. Omkar affirms. Niru asks the Inspector to raid that area now as they have a very important lead. I am sure she will be there only. Jija ji will also come with us to show us that area. Omkar is tensed. I hope those goons aren’t there or they will recognize me. He reluctantly leaves with Niru, Raghav ji and Inspector.
Surili Bai is talking to one of her regular customers. The same goons whom Omkar had hired are still there. They keep eyeing the girls. Heera notices them and tells them to leave. One has to have money to even look at Surili Bai’s girls. They both leave. Heera tells the girls to get back to work.
Ganga is thirsty but the jug is empty. She calls out for Didi (Kamini). I need water. Please give me some. No one hears her shouts. Ganga notices
another door in the room. She pushes it back to get inside. It is kind of a store room where all the cartons are kept. She hears someone sobbing. She reaches the main hall where Surili is sitting but hides to avoid getting seen. She turns to go back when she hears someone crying again. She peeks in at the room where the girls are kept. They all are in tears and want to return to their home. One of the girls was sold by her own uncle. They talk about not even trying to get out of here. One of them has tried it many times but got caught and was beaten badly. Ganga decides to do something for them. She tries to break open the door but heads back towards her room when she hears some noise.
Kamini brings water for Ganga. She notices Ganga coming from the adjoining room. Ganga says I was looking for water. I still haven’t got it though. Kamini gives her water. Ganga drinks it. She calls Kamini good. Everyone must be worried for me. Please let me go back home Didi. Ganga hugs her. Kamini asks her not to hurt her by requesting her again and again. I am much more helpless than you. She thinks of her own situation. I too was brought here forcefully like her. I too tried to go away from here but in vain. Now I have got used to it. She hopes that Ganga gets out of here safely. Ganga is sure she wont stay here at all. Kamini prays that Ganga’s wish comes true.
Sagar is finding a new game that he can teach Ganga when she returns. Madhvi gives him medicine with milk. Sagar asks his mother if Ganga will come home today. Madhvi replies that Niru had gone to the place with police where Omkar ji had seen Ganga. Let’s hope everything goes well. Sagar goes to pray for Ganga. Please God send Ganga back to home. I will never fight with her or trouble her. She thinks of me to be her friend. I too will become her best friend. Please send her back. I don’t like doing anything without her. I miss her a lot. Please send her back. Madhvi and Amma ji see this. Amma ji too hopes that Ganga returns home all safe. Madhvi and Amma ji pray for Ganga.
Omkar has brought Niru to the same red light area. I had seen her here only. Inspector knows that this is Surili Bai’s area. Omkar is relaxed thinking that he brought them at the perfect place. I wont have to give money to save Ganga. Plus Niru will think good about me. Inspector decides to get down searching every corner of the area to look for Ganga. Niru too joins them.
Ganga is running inside the main room. A few girls try to catch her so they can make her wear colourful clothes. Kamini smiles seeing them thus. Surili Bai comes there. She tells the girls to let Ganga stay like this only. Ganga asks her where she is sending her. Surili bai replies that she is sending her away from this city. Ganga refuses to go anywhere. Surili Bai tells Kamini to feed Ganga something. Ganga repeats her question.
The police team raids the brothel. Everyone runs helter-skelter to save themselves. Omkar stays downstairs only. Heera informs Surili Bai about the same. They are asking for some girl in particular. Surili Bai tells the girls to take Ganga inside. Hide her in a place where no one can see her. Ganga is sure her Babu has come. She hears Niru’s voice. Just then the ladies cover Ganga’s mouth. Niru comes to the room where Surili bai and Heera is. He tells her that he is Ganga’s Babu. She is like my daughter. She was kidnapped. Someone from my family has seen her here only.
The ladies cover Ganga’s mouth using a cloth and also tie her hands and legs. Kamini feels bad.
Inspector talks about raiding the place. Surili Bai tries to dissuade him but Niru points out that she shouldn’t be scared of anything if she isn’t wrong. Let them raid the place. Surili Bai goes quiet. The girls put Ganga in the cupboard.
Niru comes to room where Ganga has been kept. Ganga sees him through the gap in the door. He puts his hand on the door of the cupboard to open it but Inspector calls out for him just then. Surili bai was right. There is nothing wrong here. Maybe your BIL was mistaken. There is no point wasting time here. He looks again at the cupboard and then leaves. Ganga mentally tells him that she is here only. Get me out from here please.
Precap: Surili Bai decides to either send Ganga away from the city or kill her. Niru is still downstairs, talking to Omkar when he notices something.
Update Credit to: Pooja
Moropant wants Gangadhar Rao to allow Laxmibai to visit Durgabai Wada .Gangadhar Rao agrees but he wants Laxmibai to be present during the flag game competition. Actually, Moropant has a secret plan.
According to the plan, Moropant takes an empty palanquin to Durga Bai Wada just to fool everyone in believing that Laxmibai has gone to Durgabai Wada. Marshall arrives at Gangadhar Rao's palace with some news. He is stunned to observe an empty palanquin.
Marshall hands over the East India Company soldiers who had disguised themselves as Gangadhar Rao's soldiers. Marshall wants Gangadhar Rao to punish them as they are his culprits.
Samar arrives at the prison to free Laxmibai from there. Laxmibai says it is not possible for her to flee. Samar urges her to escape with him. This is because she won't like to defeat Gangadhar Rao in the flag game. So, Laxmibai will be forced to remove her veil. Because of this, everyone will get to know that she is Krantiguru.
Just then, Marshall arrives at the prison to imprison those East India Company soldiers. Samar is forced to hide. Marshall praises Laxmibai for her efforts. He taunts her for being better than Gangadhar Rao. This angers Laxmibai and she warns Marshall not to say a word against Gangadhar Rao.
Marshal and LB are in cell and LB warns Marshal not to speak against King, samar Singh is listening hiding in a croner
Marshal thinks that now he is sure LB is only Kranti Guru and goes from there saying Best of Luck to LB
Sumer Singh warns LB to be careful from Marshal and leaves, outside British soldiers catch him and take him to Marshal
Marshal tells Sumer Singh that in tomorrows fight he will kill LB.
Marshal puts Gun Powder (Barood) at the place (end of race) as he is sure LB will win & die.
Next morning everybody is at the sight of competition, except Jhansi Ki Rani.
King ask Moropant that where is Queen he says she is praying for him and will come only after Match is finished
Marshal tells Fraser he has played a game and end will be good.
Kranti Guru ask King for his Ashirwad and he say may the best person win.
The competition starts between King & Kranti Guru.
King picks up the flag and moves forward, KG catches up with him and pulls the flag from King.
King after some time pulls the flag and when Kranti Guru tries to take the flag he doesn't give it easily.
King takes his sword and fight with Krantiguru.
KG defeats King in sword fight.
KG fells down when her horse refuses to move further.
KG smells the Gunpowder, she rodes the horse again and tells him we have to save my husband.
KG catches up with King takes flag from him and throws the flag from bit far to the end spot.
There is big blast King & KG both fell from their horses.
All the spectators are worried and run towards King & KG.
Marshal is upset as his plan fails.
King is injured, and KG is lying unconscious on ground.
King goes towards KG. KG horse come there and puts mud on her she gains conscious and covers her face just before King reaches her.
King ask her who she is, to which KG replies as the rule of Game no one won so will not show her face.
KG rides her hrose and leaves from their.
Marshal sees this and follows her, in jungle he fires on LB but she is saved because of her horse.
LB reaches her tent and than she see her horse is injured.
Marshal follows her their and is hiding and watching all that is going on.
Moropant comes their and tells LB to get ready as King is waiting for her, reluctantly she goes inside tent to get ready.
LB is dressed as queen and comes out.
Marshal is looking all this and says now I am sure KG is Queen of Jhansi.
LB reaches fort. King is happy to see her.
LB & King both ask each other how are you at same time. ( cute scene )
King smiles and says I am fine, and ask her go get seated.
LB's Dasi says to LB you saved King today. King turns around hearing this comment.
Dasi says that because of LB's prayer King is safe.
Marshal comes to fort, and pays his respect to LB.
King introduces Matshal & LB.
LB is angry to see Marshal
LB offer prasad to Marshal, and tells him that prasd is taken with respect.
Marshal takes the prasad and gives to his assistant.
This agitates LB more and she rudely tells Marshal if he didn't wanted to consume prasad why he took it. King is astonished to see this.
Marshal silently takes prasad from his assistant and eats it.
Marshal tells king that he knows who is after the conspiracy
King says tell me.
Marshal says Samer Singh.
Precap : Marshal tell King that he has received the reply for LB's letter.
The Episode starts with Raman and Ishita seeing each other. Everyone smile seeing Pihu holding their hands. Aaliya looks on and recalls Mani’s words. Raman lifts Pihu and says I came on your call. Pihu kisses him. Ruhaan looks on and thinks this is my share of love, he is my Papa, I should have been there, today I m living with name and identity changed, I hate you Pihu, you snatched him. Raman goes with Pihu.
Aaliya calls Mani. He asks what, did Ishita agree to go in marriage, is there family, and Raman. Aaliya says yes, he just came. He says fine and ends call. Aaliya thinks did I do mistake by bringing Amma here. Niddhi catches Ruhaan and scolds for fooling her. She says I know you went in Romi and Mihika’s marriage, did you go there to meet family. She gets angry and drags Ruhaan
to hotel room. She pushes Ruhaan and beats him. Ruhaan says I did not do anything, I m saying truth. Niddhi scolds Ruhaan. Ruhaan’s hair fall out of the cap. Ruhaan asks Niddhi to stop. Niddhi gets angry. Ruhaan says I m not playing any games, I don’t want to go back to my family, I don’t want Raman and Ishita to get together, I will do what you say, I will do anything to keep them away, Ishita is alive, she is here, I will tell you everything, trust me. Niddhi gets shocked and says Ishita is alive, how is it possible, I can’t believe this, wow Ruhi, that’s a great news, I did not know you hate your parents so much. Ruhaan says yes, I hate Raman, Ishita, and Pihu.
Ishita gives flowers to everyone. Pihu sees Ishita and says I like her a lot, she is doing a lot for Romi and Mihika, everyone like her. Everyone shower flowers on groom and bride. Raman comes and talks to Pihu. He says I m your Papa and more smart. Pihu says I was seeing handsome boys. He says no, you were seeing that aunty, my eyes are better and can see. She says you have specs as your eyes are bad, when I saved you from fire, I saw you seeing that aunty. He says I did not see anyone, come we will go and have icecream. He takes her and leaves. Ishita turns and sees them.
Romi and Mihika get married by all rituals. They take elder’s blessings. Mihika does the rice throwing rituals. Ishita hugs her. Mihika hugs her family and proceeds with Romi. Amma cries. Mihika says I have to talk to Ishita. Romi says fine, you talk and goes. Mihika cries. Ishita wishes her lots of happiness and blesses Romi and her. Mihika says you did not give me any wedding gift, that’s why I m sad. Ishita says sorry, I could not buy anything, tell me what do you want. Mihika says you came in my marriage, that’s biggest gift, but I m bit greedy, I want some wedding gift, these two families came here together after many years. Ishita laughs.
Mihika says this was missing from our lives, this happened because of you, just you can make things fine, promise me you will stay here for some more days, just you can unite their hearts, we are selfish and always increased the distance, but your heart is very big, promise me this gift, you will get both families back together. Ishita says I will try to stay for some more time, happy now? Mihika says yes and hugs Ishita. Aaliya thinks was Amma’s coming here a mistake, she will be attached with her family, and will get away from me and Appa. Ishita and Aaliya come home. Ishita thanks Aaliya for taking her in wedding. Mani looks on. Aaliya goes.
Mani asks Ishita why did she go there. She says it was my sister’s wedding. Mani asks did you go to meet Raman, you knew Raman would be coming here. She says its not like that, why are you asking. He says I m concerned for you, I thought you wanted to sort our issues. Ishita says no, I know Raman’s annoyance is justified, I don’t want to clear out anything, I want him to be happy and live in whatever condition he wants, my family is fighting there, Bhallas and Iyers have fights because of me, I was feeling guilty, I knew they are unhappy, it was my duty to make things fine, I don’t want anything else from there, anyways its late now, there is shoot with Ruhaan tomorrow, sleep now. She goes. Mani wonders what will happen in shoot tomorrow.
Its morning, Mani and Ishita wait for Ruhaan. Ishita asks him not to be tensed, we told Ruhaan’s manager if Ruhaan does not do shoot, we will sue him. Mani thinks Ishita does not know I m worried that when she knows that rival company is of Raman, how will she react. Nupur comes and says Ruhaan is on the way. Mani goes to attend a call. Raman comes there. Ishita is talking to Nupur. Raman comes to Ishita and she gets shocked.
Raman gets angry and says you crossed limit of shamelessness, you thought you will roam around me and I will get you back in my life, you don’t have any place in my life now. She says I remember your every word well, I came here for work, I came for Ruhaan’s ad shoot. He says oh, so its your company, this can’t happen now, my company has exclusive contract with Ruhaan, sorry. She says we also have a contract, Mani has company in Australia, we will make Ruhaan shoot ad for him. Raman says he can’t shoot this ad film, as I made it clear to Nupur. Nupur says we signed their contract before signing yours, today Ruhaan will shoot ad with them. Raman gets angry. Ishita asks did Mani know about Raman’s company. Nupur says yes. Ishita gets shocked. Nupur tells Raman that she will explain, they said they will sue Ruhaan if he breaks contract. Raman goes. Ishita says I can’t believe this, Mani has hidden this from me.
The Episode starts with Ruhaan thinking I won’t let Ishita and Raman unite, I hate them, I m in this state because of them. Ruhaan says I m not Ruhi, I m Ruhaan, teen sensation, I will show them star’s attitude. Niddhi calls Ruhaan and asks where are you. Ruhaan says I m at shooting floor, where are you. Niddhi is with someone, and says I won’t come on shoot, Raman will be there, I don’t want Raman to see me, don’t try to say your identity. Ruhaan says I won’t do anything that we both face any problem. Niddhi says good and ends call.
Ishita goes to Mani and asks did you know Ruhaan signed contract with Raman’s company. He says yes. She says you knew Raman is involved here and did not tell me, I was away from family since 7 years, it was my choice that I did not wish to go
to my family, you could have told me, this situation would have been avoided easily. He asks can I say something now, you are more than my life, I can’t think of hurting your heart, I did not know its Raman’s company, I got to know when I signed contract, I called you, you boarded the flight, then your plane hijack happened, I could not tell you.
She says whats this excuse, you could have told me. He says so many things were happening, I could not tell you, trust me. She says I trust you, I can’t stay here, I can’t face Raman, I want to go from here. He says there is one thing more which you don’t know, Raman has saved you in flight, he took you to hospital. She gets shocked and recalls her savior sending white lilies to her. Mani says Raman has sent those flowers, he saved your life. Raman comes and says this was my biggest mistake, I should have not saved her, I should have not known she is alive, if I knew I m saving her life, I would have left her to die, it was better if she died. Ishita cries. Raman leaves. Yeh hai mohabbatein…..plays………
Mihika comes to Romi and wakes him up. She says I made breakfast for you. He asks her why is she doing this. She says I have no inlaws, so I have to do all rituals myself, Its my first rasoi today, I made breakfast. He gets a call and asks what, but we bribed the officer, how can he stop our order, fine I will come. Romi gets ready and is leaving. Romi asks where are you leaving. He says sorry, I have to leave. She asks him to have breakfast, she made his fav dishes. He says I m sorry, I have to go, this is your nek, I have seen mummy ji gave nek to Ishita after her first rasoi, I m your mummy ji here, tell me if you need anything, you can shop. He goes. She cries and says if I was in Sasuraal today, my first rasoi would be not like this.
Adi asks Neelu where is Mrs. Bhalla. Neelu says Mrs. Bhalla went to storeroom to clean some stuff, she did not ask me to come along. He says fine, I will see. He goes to storeroom. Mrs. Bhalla says I have to fix some things back on right place. He says you know there is much dust here, you have dust allergy. She cleans Raman and Ishita’s pic and says I have to fix this at right place. Adi sees the pic and hugs her. Adi says that’s lovely, how can you do this work without your partner. Mrs. Bhalla blesses him and asks him to fix this frame in Raman’s room, keep some candles and white flowers too. Adi says I remember, I will make the room as it used to be seven years ago, but Papa.. Mrs. Bhalla says don’t worry, he will agree. Adi hugs her. Mrs. Bhalla prays that Ishita comes back.
Mani asks the men are they ready. The man says we are ready, where is Ruhaan. Nupur says Ruhaan is ready, and sends a man to call him. Ishita asks Mani what is this unprofessionalism of Ruhaan, I will talk to him. Mani stops her. She says he is 16 year old boy, why this attitude, did his parents not teach him manners. He says you are not his mum, its not your work to teach him manners, go and meet Amma, I will manage. She says not a bad idea, Raman maybe coming here too, I will leave.
Mihika goes to meet Amma and Vandu. She says Romi had some work, he will pick me on return. Amma and Vandu do Mihika’s aarti and grahpravesh. Mrs. Bhalla stops Mihika and asks Amma are they mad to do Grah pravesh in Maayka, this is big ritual. She tells Mihika that this rasam happens in Sasural, we are not dead, we will do your Grah Pravesh, Mu dikhai, first rasoi, we will give you nek, then you can come here for Patphere. Ishita comes there. Amma stops Mrs. Bhalla and says when your son does not stay here, why this drama. Mrs. Bhalla says she is my bahu. Amma says she is my daughter. Mrs. Bhalla says I will see who stops me. Ishita looks on.
Mihika says let me speak. Ishita asks whats happening. Amma and Mrs. Bhalla ask Ishita about the rituals and argue. They both pull Mihika. Ishita gets upset and goes. Mihika tells them that Ishita came to meet us and left seeing your fight. Mrs. Bhalla blames Amma.
Ishita packs her bag. She says I m going to Amma’s house both families are fighting, I have to make things fine, they really need me, take care of Mani, tell me if you need anything. Aaliya gets sad. Ishita hugs her and asks her not to get upset, you call me if there is anything to say. Aaliya asks what will you do. Ishita says lets see, you will know, take care, I have to go. Aaliya thinks Ishita is leaving, will she come back, why do I feel she will never come back, will Raman and Ishita get together again, I have seen love and longing in her eyes.
Raman comes home and is angry talking on phone. He says how can Nupur breach our contract, stop that shoot. He goes to his room and sees Ishita and his pics everywhere. He gets more angry and shouts Maa. He asks Mrs. Bhalla whats all this. She says I did this to keep all things on right place. Raman removes pics and Ishita’s sarees and says I will show its right place.
The Episode starts with Pragya thinking it is orphanage of kids, where they have kept Chutka and Chutki. Tanu comes to kids and asks Aaliya to give call to Munni. Munni asks where is her kids. Tanu says they don’t want to talk to you. Kids asks where are you, and asks Munni to take them from there. Munni says I will take both of you from there. Kids tell that Pinky beats them very much. Munni cries. Aaliya disconnects the call and says it is enough. She asks her to change the clothes. Tanu asks pinky to be careful with Pragya. Tanu thinks Raj kept right guy here, even if Police comes then will leave. Pragya is still hiding and calls Ankit. He comes there wearing tantrik baba’s clothes and makes Pinky unconscious with the smoke.
Pragya thanks Ankit and asks him not to tell anyone, and tells that she will get him good acting assignment. Pragya comes inside. Kids think her as Munni. Pragya says she is her friend. Kids asks where is Munni? Pragya says first they have to get out from there. Chutka says Pinky is outside. Chutki says they shall listen to Pragya Maasi.
Dadi, Dasi, Abhi and others have tea. Purab calls Abhi and asks who is with him. Abhi asks shall I give call to Disha. Purab asks him to come to Police station. Abhi lies that he called him at his friend’s place. Pinky comes there and asks who is she? Pragya says Police came. Pinky keeps knife on Chutka’s neck. Pragya asks him to leave him. He asks Chutki to tie her hands and asks Pragya why she wants to take the kids. Pragya says she can’t tell. Pinky hurts Chutka. Chutki says she is Pragya maasi. Pinky appreciates himself for making Pragya captive and says he will call Raj and get bonus from money. Pragya asks him not to call Raj.
Simonika thinks to kill Pragya before Abhi.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
Scene 1:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
Ishaan comes in beaming with a box of strawberries for her. she takes and finds it extremely sour. he starts tasting them himself, and finds that they are sour. she is overwhelmed, while he gives her the third one, picking out the sweet one. she silently eats, while remembering their past moments. he gives her another one and when she tries it, he eats it first to check, and then satisfied, he gives it to her. She is teary eyed by his overwhelming gesture. She then takes it and feeds him too, and he complies. he teases her that it has become extra sweet now. they have a hearty laugh. she asks if he loves her this much. He cups her face and asks if she doubts. she says that she cant believe that god intends her to be this happy. He says that
given his will, he would have given her all the happiness in the world. he cups her face, and she takes the hand and thanks him profusely. they both look at each other romantically.
While samrat is downstairs eating grapes, he finds shaurya coming back from school, and tries to tease him to talk to him. But he ignores him angrily. urmi finds thje two, and rushes down to shaurya’s rescue. He asks urmi to tell samrat not to talk to him, as he doesnt like it at all. She asks him not to worry as she would tell samrat. Shaurya asks where’s father, and samrat is shocked. Urmi says that he is in the room. samrat says that ishaan is just his fake father, and smirks. shaurya says that he is going upstairs for some secret talk with his father. he goes. urmi asks samrat to not get involved and stay away from shaurya. he waives her off. she hastily is about to leave, when sandhya comes grumbling about distrust. She tells that the neighbour’s daughter has been stranded by her husband, who went abroad. He too takes amusement at this. Sandhya continues to rant, while urmi says that girls should be self-dependant, and intentinally to screw with samrat, she says that people dont lose selfish motives, as they marry rich girls, and then live off the wife’s money, without any work. sandhya too agrees, while samrat fumes barely able to compress his anger. sandhya and urmi continue ranting, while urmi continues to pin samrat, that this luxury isnt for always, as one wrong move and all the luxury vanishes. She taunts samrat who hastily rushes out. urmi smiles.
Samrat goes to his room, and finds tani, busy reading a magazine. he starts to vent his frustration, but finds that tani is completely engrossed. He tries with extra drama to gran her attention, but in vain. he starts getting frustrated. Finally he picks up the two glass and tries once again, but she doesnt see. He is furious now. he tries to make all sorts of noise to get her attention, but fails. Finally, he gives an overdose of drama, saying that he believes she doesnt love him anymore, while she gets concerned, and asks him to spill out. continuing his pretentious acting, he says that he feels helpless like a woman. she asks if he is okay. he says that he has no work now, and there was a time when he didnt have the space to breathe. she asks him to work then. He asks how Tani Sinha’s husband do a job, as that would affect the status of the family, and then she and anirudh wont be able to face the society. She starts thinking, while he says that he should have his own venture, of a hotel. she says that it is possible, as she is here. She says that if he needs a hotel, then she would talk to him rightaway. he is overexcited thinking that he is a lucky person to land this girl. He kisses her hands, and she is happy to see him happy.
Downstairs, anirudh and sandhya’s husband discuss business, when tani comes and announces to anirudh to buy a hotel to samrat. They all are shocked. Anirudh asks if its that easy. damini asks whats this nonsense. tani says that its her right. Urmi says that its a huge investment and they cant make it in a snap of a second. tani waives urmi off. Ishaan asks her to behave with urmi. Anirudh says that maybe she is being instigated, as this is Mumbai, and asks if she has any idea of the enpenditure involved. She is insistent on her demand. sandhya is shocked asking how can tani talk like this. Samrat asks tani to let be, pretending to be hurt, but complying nevertheless. But tani says that anirudh would have given her hefty dowry which she demands now. Samrat says that he is completely against dowry. she says that they saved money on weddings. urmi tries to talk about financial savings. tani reprimands urmi. Anirudh says that urmi is the bahu, and hence has all the right to advise, and she is infact right. samrat is frustrated thinking tht all keep praising urmi only, wonders what to do now. Anirudh asks if she even has any sense, and says that they wont fulfill any illegitimate demand. Anirudh asks if she wants samrat to get busy and work, then says that he can join office from tomorrow, and work with him. samrat is at a loss of words, while tani is extremely happy. He is frustrated that tani is a fool, but then complies nevertheless thinking that he shall turn the tables around, thinking that they are fools to let him in their family business. samrat thinks that by involving him in the business, they are writing their own ruins, as he would eat into their name and fame, and they shall rot completely. Anirudh wishes him the best of luck, and he too reciprocates back. the screen freezes on his evil face.
Precap: Samrat laughs while cutting a leg of bed.
Update Credit to: Rimjhim
Scene 1:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
Samrat is tensed wondering what to do now, as he strolls nervously on the roof. Damini comes and asks whats their plan fopr today as they arent going anywhere today. Samrat frustratedly tells damini that they cant let the lovers unite, and shall have to finish this once and for all. damini says that she has thought of a permanent solution, and hence has planned to meet someone today. samrat is tensed wondering what is she upto now. she starts talking about some peer baba who could put in an evil spell. He smiles at her naivety while she says that recent happenings havemade her desperate and that she can resprt to anything. He suppresses his laughter and asks her to carry on. she leaves. Damini leaves, while samrat thinks that he doesnt need
anyone else, to change his destiny.
In their room, ishaan eyes urmi arranging the room, while reprimanding him, for being so careless. she hollers at him, and finds him lost in her. He says that he is looking at his wife, and if she has a problem. she asks if he doesnt have to go anywhere or any other work. He denies saying that he would be here only, despite any emergency, and asks her to carry on, and he shall not disturb and do his won work. He teases her while she is unable to concentrate. he asks where is his gift, and she says that the gown in nicely in the almirah. He says that he is talking about the other one, the sensual lingerie that got her so angry. She is embarassed and shy too. He teases her that she shuld wear that only. She turns around and glares at him. he asks her not to be angry, and not wear if she isnt in the mood. Her foot slips, and he leans on top of her, saying that this is just the beginning. An awkward romantic eyegaze and embrace follows. She shuts his eyes, while he leans into kiss her. Just then, the maid comes in. he asks whats the matter and that she should knock before coming. urmi is embarassed and rushes down. Ishaan is amused. urmi finds shaurya playing and defeating anirudh at chess, and is happy. She is happy to see shaurya opening up to everyone in ther family so nicely. Ishaan too comes and finds this camaraderie, and praises it. Ishaan says that he taught shaurya who now outwits him. Anirudh says that he feels he shall lose today. On ishaan’s signal, urmi asks anirudh why were they called. he says that he has to give something to them, which is their secret and a surprise for ishaan and urmi. they are boggled. he asks them to wait and goes to the almirah, while they are confused. They turn to find him him taking something out.
Scene 2:
Location: Gaurav’s residence
Asha continues to pester while gaurav comes back tired from office. He asks for cheeku, whle she tries to sniff him for any foreign smell of perfume, and he is surprised. he is frustrated with her rant, and asks her to leave. she leaves muttering in anger, but before that she asks about his secretary, and her marital status, and gets irritated when knows that she is single. She vents out her frustration and leaves, while he is boggled.
Scene 3:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
Later, samrat gets busy in cutting one of the legs of the bed, with a saw, with evil intentions, thinking that their would share their wedding night, by breaking their spines, so that they cant lift themselves from the bed, for a couple of months. He thinks that he is lucky to have got a chance, and to turn the love bird couple, into a handicap. He tries to get out, but a sudden door knock, makes him creep back under the bed. The maid arrives with a load of fresh clothes, and he hopes to god that she doesnt sit, or else he shall die. While she gets busy in keeping clothes in the wardrobe, he sneaks out and escapes. Later, samrat anxiously waits for them both to arrive, so that his plan works. urmi calls him, and he is surprised to receive her call. when he receives it, urmi straightforward asks if he is waiting for them, while he is surprised, and tries to hide his nervousness. She says that he has done such labour and efforts, and hence its apt for him to wait. He nervously asks what does she mean. She says that he should have done the work with a little more accuracy and dexterity. he asks what she means. She says that the axe that he used was carelessly under her bed. he is speechless, while she is amused at his plight. he rushes to find it there only, and gets frustrated. urmi says that he should get their bed back, in the normal condition, by the time they return back, or else she shall tell everyone what he did. He gets anxious. He asks where are they going. She pretends to be tensed as to how could she forget to tell him, that they are at the airport, and hence he shouldnt wait up, and go to sleep. says that they are going for their honeymoon, as anirudh is sending them to Maldives. Samrat is enraged and furious. He asks her to return back this minute, as they shall not go. urmi is amused at his frustrayion, while he sits down on the bed that he had dismembered for ishaan and urmi, and falls hard on his back, and winces in pain. the screen freezes on his pained face.
Precap: tani asks anirudh to send them too on the honeymoon. Anirudh asks how dare she think that he wouldnt send them on their honeymoon. he says that he has planned something for them too. samrat and tani are happy. Damini too is happy and excited, and she asks Anirudh, if he would arrange for them too. he sasy why not. samrat is amused that now he too shall go to maldives and disturb them completely.
Update Credit to: Rimjhim
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