Jero is pushing Gonzo for more information, Gonzo tells him that he needs to stay away and not cause any problems, Matias put his two cents in and Jero agrees and leaves. Matias asks Gonzo to make sure that he stays away, but Gonzo is not going to get involved with Matias and Jero is only concern is Renata and he tells Matias he is not going to help him with anything else. Connie comes in crying about Hon, she wants him out of jail. Gonzo tells her to calm down they are doing what they can and that it will be alright.
Augie is giving Zeke the run down about Renata being at the hacienda, he tells him that nobody knows she is here, Zeke smiles and say that little by little he is making her his woman to which Auggie smirks and then immediately yells, not to ask any questions. Just do what he is told.
Alphonsina is getting the farmers to help her identify the plague and us trying to find out what happened.
Jero is trying to figure this out talking to Gina, he says he respects Gonzo and Regina, but he doesn’t understand. Gina tells him that Gonzo has told her nothing. Jero is trying to put everything together. He is aware of the problems the company is having and they are wondering what that has to do with Renata it would make more sense if it had to do with Gonzo or Matias since they are more involved in the business. Gina asks if this has more to do with the problems at the company or the problems with him, she tells him that it is another possibility. Jero refuses to believe that he is sure it is to protect her from the company’s problems.
At the hacienda Auggie is talking to Roberta he tells her that he had an emergency, she believes him and asks when he is coming back and he says he has no idea, then she asks if she should come out there and he says that is a bad idea, no on can know they have a relationship. He tells her that they will talk soon and hangs up, then he laments about how he wants Renata and how he so happy to have her in his hacienda with him.
Roberta’s crazy friend comes in yelling about how Auggie is with another woman, Roberta asks if she knows anything about her and she says no, but she knows there is someone. Roberta laughs knowingly and says nothing.
Adri and Chema are hanging out when Connie comes in and Chema leaves, Matias stays with Adri and Connie walks Chema out and says thank you.
Renata and Jero are split screen wanting each other.
Adri is talking to Connie and Matias about her dad. Connie excuses herself to go to bed and Adri and Mat talk about Roberta and how she has to be responsible for the pics of Hon and Blanca and Connie and Chema, and he tells her that his marriage may not be so easy to get out of and that he needs to stay married for 10 years. Adri freaks and says that it’s crazy Roberta is very bad and he can’t stay married.
Hon is being taken from his cell to a hearing, Connie, Gonzo, and Matias are all there to tell him that everything will be okay and that he is not alone. Hon asks Gonzo and Matias to get Blanca and that she is one behind all of this.
Blanca is having lunch with her accomplice and he tells her that Hon will go away for a long time. She is pleased and says thank you.
Jero and Carlos are talking and Carlos tells Jero about the plaque outbreak and that it is a very bad. Jero says he does not want to leave Mexico right now. Carlos tries to tell him that he is the owner and that he needs to come and fix this. Jero tells him that he can handle everything, Carlos tells him that he will be on his honeymoon, Jero agrees to come back after he takes care of some stuff in Mexico.
Renata comes out in Auggies clothes since she has none of her own. He swears she looks great and she argues she looks silly. He tells he that he will take her shopping and get her everything she needs. She says no that it is not necessary, he insists then she tells him that she really just wants to go home. He tells her that she could spend a very long time in jail and that that is why her dad sent her there, she understands, but is very impatient he tells her to have patience.
Matias is confirming his marriage is legal and that the contract is binding he says yes and, then Matias hears Adri in his head telling him that Roberta is a bad person. He leaves to go confront Roberta.
Alphonsina is talking to the Dr, about what a creep Dr, Nesme is. The Dr tells her that it doesn’t have to be for bad they can get the test legally.
Connie and Adri are talking Adri asks how long her dad will be in jail and Connie says she has no idea. Adri asks her if since now she knows Blanca set a trap will her and Hon get back together, and what she feels for Chema. Connie says that she likes Chema and feels good with him. And that things with Hon are complicated. Adri thinks that since she is not in love with Chema then she and her dad still have a chance.
Renata is wandering around the hacienda and comes across little Zeke, she asks why he is not in school and he says he has no classes and she doesn’t believe him. Then he hears Auggie calling him and panics and says he does not like him, he is mean. Renata is not sure why he says that, but he hears him again and runs off. Auggie asks who she was talking to, he she says the grapes and laughs.
Jero answers the door (poor guy) and receives divorce papers!!!
Auggie is getting a list of what Renata needs, she gives him a short list, he asks if there is anything else and tells her that he will only be gone for a short time, but while she is there with him she is the head of the house and she argues that she is only a visitor, she does not like being called the boss.
Jero is blown away and does not understand, and now is convinced that she left because she did not want him, not because of the problems with the business.
Fina and Roberta are talking over breakfast, Roberta thinks that FIna is to calm considering all the problems that they have going on. Fina says that things will work out. Roberta asks if she has a plan. Fina only reads her the front page about Hon being in jail, Roberta tells her not to talk about that. To much is happening to her family. Fina says it should have been Gonzo and that way he couldn’t ruin their fortune and be with another woman or go through with the divorce. Roberta tells her to shut it, he is the one helping the family.
Gonzo is yelling at his lawyer about helping Hon, he wants all the lawyers working day and night to fix this. The lawyer asks about Renata and he tells him that he has it under control and that Renata will never go to jail.
Roberta welcomes Matias home they small talk about Hon and then Matias drops the hammer and tells her that the only way he they can get out of the pre-nup is if they both agree the marriage is over and ask for a divorce together. He tells her that he wants them to go together the next morning and sign the papers to get a divorce, Roberta tells him that that is not what she wants. Matias tells her that he doesn’t love her and does not want to be married to her.
FIna is having lunch with Tony (nothing good can come of this) they are discussing her girls and Fina has a flash back to when she realized that her daughter was left out of this will. (I wonder now if Tony is working Fina?) Fina tells Tony she knows what she is doing and Tony tells her that he only wants to find out what happened , since Gina has suffered over the loss of her daughter.
Matias and Roberta argue over the fact she doesn’t want a divorce and that he is stuck with her. He said that he does not love her and she does not love him, Roberta smugly says that maybe over ten years he will learn to love her, he pushes her away and says that will never happen, as he tries to leave Roberta smugly says that his last name and his money are hers. Matias gladly reminds her he has no money and that she would get none of it anyway, she is not having a baby, and she is not entitled to a dime of his money so she will be married to him for ten years,but will get no money. (doing the happy dance for Matias) Roberta looks ill like she might be sick.
Auggie is buying clothes for Renata. ( not clothes you can wear in public)
Zeke brings jr to be with mom, and jr tells her that he saw Renata at Auggies and she is wondering what she is doing there.
Laza is telling Jero he is glad he is back with everything going on, Laza asks if he can go take care of some things in town. Jero tells Carlos about the divorce. Jero admits its finally over. He lost her.
The authorities have arrived for Renata and nobody knows where she is (hahaha) Gonzo tells them that she does not work her anymore and that he does not know where she is. They tell him that if he does not tell them he is an accomplice, Gonzo says he understands but knows nothing and tells them they have no business there and to leave.
Gina is helping Adri with her recovery. She is looking forward to getting better to visit her dad. Gina says she has become the Queen of patience after looking for her daughter. Gina asks about Renata, if there was a particular reason she left. They don’t know of any.
Auggie brings Renata her stuff, she is not thrilled about the stuff , but says she wants to see it.
Jero still wants to find out who killed his brother, he lost Renata and all he has left is his brother. They also need to identify and fix the Plaque. Carlos tells him if they don’t soon they will have serious problems.
Renata shows Auggie what he bought, she thanks him for the clothes. He tells her that the cops showed up looking for her. She is worried now.
Connie and Gina are chatting about Chema and Jero Gina tells Connie that Jero married Renata for revenge, but he really does love her. As she is walking to her car Fina pulls up and looks right at her, Gina recognizes her and Fina looks panic.
Wheeew that was a lot. Tomorrow should be awesome!!!! Enjoy
- TheUpdatersoftelenovelasgh
- I am Emmanuel Hammond, a worshipa and a keyboardist, I live a life of simplicity and I really respect everyone no matter the rich or poor, religion or color.
Ganga asks Master ji if she is ready to give entrance exam. Master ji shakes his head. not yet! Ganga retorts that she completed all the lessons. I dint leave any of them. Tiwari tells Niru that Ganga is doing her best. Sagar’s school is the best school of the city. You know that computer literacy is important too. One must learn every key’s function. Ganga too will have to learn computers and it will take approx a week’s time. Ganga is not scared of learning it. Sagar too would have learnt it. Why can’t I learn it? Niru smiles proudly. He leaves for court. Ganga notices Sagar looking at her.
In morning, Madhvi offers to bring milk for Ganga while she is studying. Ganga wants to do ganga snan first. Ganga is memorizing counting while returning home. This irks Amma ji.
Ramayan paath starts
at home. Sudha and Pishi Ma too come over. Omkar eyes Sudha. She sits down next to Omkar. Omkar keeps his hand over hers and acts as if it happened by coincidence. Sudha is irked nonetheless. They start the puja. Tiwari ji reaches home with the help of the stick. Ganga is learning the table of 15. Tiwar ji smiles. Ganga points out that he was 5 minutes late. He knew that she will be waiting. I dint even sit for the puja. She excitedly shows him her homework. I couldn’t understand a few sums. I was sleepy so I left them. I will do them right away. He has something else in mind. Tiwari ji has brought his laptop. He teaches her how to use it. Ganga calls it magic box but he corrects her that it is laptop. She finds it a big difficult to handle but he explains her once again. You will learn if you practise. She doesn’t have a laptop. He offers to bring his laptop daily. She smiles. The class gets over. She asks him if using this laptop is really important for her test. We have very less days. How will I learn it? He assures her that she will learn it in time. He leaves. Ganga gets tensed. How will I get admitted in Sagar’s school if I don’t practise what Master ji had told him! I will have to practise in Sagar’s laptop. She tries to recall but skips a point or two. I will have to practise. Master ji comes only for an hour. What all will I learn in an hour! Sagar too has a similar laptop. I will use it. It will help me.
Yash is waiting for Sagar. Ganga comes there looking for Sagar. She pronounces it wrongly but knows the spelling correctly. He gets angry that she is learning fast and pushes Ganga. Sagar comes there just then. Sagar scolds Yash for pushing Ganga. He helps Ganga. Her elbow has been hurt. Are you alright? Yash calls Ganga mad. She wants your laptop. Sagar tells him not to meddle in his affairs. He turns to Ganga. Why do you want my laptop? Ganga replies that she has to practise. Sagar cannot give his laptop to Ganga before Yash or he too will ask for it. Plus I am upset with her. Why should I give it to her? Ganga asks Sagar for his laptop. I will take good care of it. He declines. It is very expensive. They both bicker. Why did you pick me up then? You could have let me on the floor. He agrees not to do it in future. She too doesn’t need his help. I will get up on my own. Sagar tells Yash to play. Yash gets excited thinking that Sagar will give him his laptop as he knows how to use it but Sagar tells him against it.
Yash decides to teach a lesson to Sagar. He goes inside on the pretext of drinking water.
Ganga sits down with Amma ji in the puja. Yash runs upstairs. Yash does something in Sagar’s laptop. Sagar is so arrogant that his father brought this laptop for him. Ganga mentally apologizes to God. I love puja’s but I have to study too. She notices Amma ji whose eyes are closed. She begins to go up when Mehri stops her. Amma ji has said that there will be no studies today. Go give this milk to Sagar. Prabha calls out for Yash. Yash runs downstairs.
Ganga comes to Sagar’s room but he isn’t there. She notices the laptop and smiles. She is about to touch it but stops thinking of Sagar’s reaction. I will not Sagar’s things without asking him. But I can do my work without using my hands. She brings a paper and makes a photo of the keyboard. Yash returns. He is angry to see her there. She shares that she only came to keep the glass of milk. He yet again calls her thief but she tells him against it. She couldn’t complete the pic but its halfway done. Amma ji asks Ganag where she is coming from. She doesn’t mind it as Ganga was helping Mehri and not studying. Ganga keeps the paper next to her and looks at it. She smiles looking at it as the alphabets come alive in her imagination. Amma ji gets curious but Ganga dismisses it. She hides the paper. What a great idea that was! I dint even touch Sagar’s laptop and my work finished.
Yash enjoys using laptop. Something pops up and then it switches off on its own. Yash panics. Did I do something wrong? Sagar wont spare me if anything happens to his laptop / finds this. Sagar enters inside the house and heads for his room. Yash continues to try but in vain. Sagar reaches his room.
The puja comes to an end. Ganga too wants to do aarti. I will ask God to make me clear the test.
Precap: Ganga opens the laptop but it starts making some noise. I dint even touch it and it started on its own? She punches the keys to stop the noise and it stops. She wonders if something went wrong because of her.
Update Credit to: Pooja
Omkar does aarti after Madhvi and Pulkit. Sudha almost trips and he holds her. He gives the aarti thaal to her and Pishi Ma. Sudha is uncomfortable around him. Ganga is about to take the thaal but Prabha takes it just then. Amma ji sends Ganga upstairs to call Sagar. He is the son of the house. He should do it first.
Sagar and Yash are heading downstairs only when Ganga comes up. They leave. Ganga looks at the laptop. She takes out the paper. I couldn’t complete it back then because of Yash. Now I should do it. It’s closed. She recalls how Master ji had taught her to open the lid. I only have to note down to write everything. I can do my work by only opening the lid. She does so and begins to write. It starts making noise suddenly. Ganga gets tensed. I dint even touch it and it started on its own?
She punches the keys to stop the noise and it stops. She wonders if something went wrong because of her. She punches more keys but it’s all black now. I ruined his laptop. Sagar will get angry. She keeps on punching more keys but in vain. She remembers Sagar telling her off. Sagar had told me and Yash not to touch it. babu brought it with so much love. Sagar keeps it so carefully but I ruined it. She hears Sagar’s voice. He is coming upstairs with Yash. Sagar tells Yash to come. I will show you games in my laptop. Ganga is hiding behind the bed. She prays to God to set the laptop right or maybe Sagar doesn’t open it. Yash is also scared that Sagar will find out about his mischief. He makes lame excuses. Sagar is surprised. How come you are talking so intelligently now? Yash lies. Ganga is in thoughts too. Yash never listens to anyone. Oh, maybe God gave him some sense to help me. Yash and Sagar go out of the room.
Sagar tells Pulkit and Babli that Yash was against playing games on computer. They sit down to play truth and dare. It is Pulkit’s turn first. Babli asks him what he regrets doing the most in his life. Pulkit says I hurt papa by showing him that fake mark sheet. I wanted a bike but now he doesn’t even talk to me because of what I did. It is Yash’s turn next. He takes dare. He has to dance like Salman Khan. Yash enacts likes Salman Khan. Ganga looks on. The kids enjoy. The bottle stops at Sagar. Babli notices Ganga. She invites Ganga to play. Ganga and Sagar look at each other. Ganga declines to play. I will look from here. Sagar chooses truth. Pulkit decides to play a rapid fire round. His many answers revolve around Ganga. Sagar smiles up thinking about how he had ran away from the school to play cricket with Ganga. He takes Ganga’s name when asked about his best friend. Ganga smiles broadly. Pulkit and Babli smile as well. Sagar realises what he just said. Ganga feels guilty. He thinks of me as his best friend yet I damaged his laptop. Yash points out that Sagar will take Shruti’s name. Sagar repeats after him. I took someone’s name by mistake. Yash smirks. Sagar leaves from there.
Amma ji returns to her room. She has back pain. She tells Madhvi not to get up from the paath. Amma ji tells Ganga not to make any noise. I have to sit back in the paath again. She lies down to take some rest. Ganga arranges her bedding. Sagar is really upset with me because of which he changed his statement. I know I am his best friend which is why he took my name. I know it. I dint share with Sagar that I damaged his laptop. I should only set it right or Sagar will be troubled. I wont trouble him.
Next morning, the Ramayan paath continues. Omkar and Sagar go to the market to bring something for the puja. Ganga decides to get Sagar’s laptop perfect. Amma ji sends Ganga to help Maharaj ji instead. Ganga takes a tray full of tea cups and goes to give them to the guests. Ganga requests God to do something. It is really important for me to go. Someone calls out from outside. The kid is hungry. Priest tells Amma ji not to send anyone back hungry from their door today. Madhvi gives food and blanket to the kid. The kid wants more for his parents and siblings. Ganga gets an idea to do both the tasks in one go. She tells Amma ji about the kid’s wish. Amma ji allows her to go to the temple where the kid’s family is! Ganga makes Maharaj ji keep some food in a big basket. She runs upstairs to Sagar’s room. She keeps the laptop inside and covers it with colourful covering paper. Amma ji notices her. Where is such a small girl taking such a big basket to? She smartly replies that she must make big donations to get more blessings. Amma ji peeks at the basket and then nods. She leaves. Amma ji smiles. The parents of the kids bless Ganga. She picks up the laptop and looks for a repairing shop. She asks a random guy and he guides her.
Ganga asks shopkeeper to do her work fast. She mutters that no one else has made some excuses to Amma ji. What if he finishes my work first! The guy checks the laptop. The hardware has crashed. The repairs will cost around 70k. Ganga is shocked.
Precap: Mehri tells everyone that Ganga ran away. Amma ji announces that she wont allow Ganga back inside the house if she wont return before the evening puja.
Update Credit to: Pooja
The Episode starts with Disha asking Pragya to take the vegetable dish. Pragya refuses. Disha throws it on her dress intentionally. Pragya goes to clean it. Purab asks Abhi to go to Pragya. Abhi comes to Disha and asks what he shall do. Disha asks him to go following Pragya and gives her dress which is open at the back. Abhi says what an idea and is about to hug her. Disha says you shall go now. Tanu says food was good. Aaliya says something was going on between Purab and Disha, and then Disha and Abhi. Tanu says lets take afternoon nap and says they might be discussing past love. Aaliya throws crystal ball on her leg mistakenly. Tanu says you have done it intentionally. Aaliya says it was by mistake. Abhi comes to room and takes out red saree for Pragya. He reminisces seeing mole on her back and
says if it is seen then she is my pragya. Pragya comes there and asks what you are doing here? Abhi says I am here now and asks her to change saree. Pragya says she has cleaned her saree. Abhi says you will get cold and asks her to wear it. Pragya thinks why he is acting sweet now. Abhi says you have done so much for me and says can’t I do this for you. He asks her not to ignore handsome’s saying and calls her beautiful. Pragya says ok and says she will wear it. Abhi thinks once she wear the saree, then I will see her back. Abhi sees the pic.
Tanu comes to the hospital to get her foot treated. Munni is also in the hospital. Tanu happens to see Munni unconscious in the hospital and goes inside. She calls her Munni and says if she is munni then who is at home, Pragya.
Abhi decorates the room and waits for Pragya. Pragya comes to room and sees it decorated. Hua hain aaj…plays…He asks her to come and then asks her to go. Pragya says sometimes you are impossible. He holds her face and says my heart says that you are my fuggi. Pragya says I told you many times that I am not pragya. Abhi says moon is known by its name and says when I touch you, I feel my moon light. Pragya says I am Munni. Abhi says this means you don’t love me. Pragya says she don’t love him. Abhi says then you shall not be affected if I come closer to you. Pragya says she will not. He says you shall not feel the touch. Pragya says she will not. Allah wariyan plays…Tanu thinks to inform Aaliya that the woman inside the house is Pragya. Nurse comes and asks do you know her. Tanu says I don’t know her and asks what happened to her. Nurse says she is in coma since a month. Tanu thinks what is her plan to stay at home as Munni. Aaliya sees Abhi romancing with Pragya and thinks munni is leaving no chances to get closer to him. Abhi kisses on her cheeks. Pragya pushes him.
Tanu shows Munni to Aaliya on video call. Aaliya gets shocked seeing Munni and Pragya.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
Half in the way, Karan asks Sameer to come behind and let him drive. He says now everything is in its palace.
Sherlin was in Kareena’s room when she comes and says Shrishti was here. Sherlin was curt that they still have to bear these sisters, though she had ruined her engagement to get rid of them. She is so jealous of everyone taking their name.
In the car, Shrishti and Sameer argue for seats. Karan asks Preeta which complexion of the guy she wishes for. Preeta says she doesn’t know what kind of guy she needs, but is sure exactly what she doesn’t want (staring at Karan). Karan goes to park the car, Preeta scolds Shrishti for mentioning the proposal in front of them, and she asks to give the photos in her hand. Karan comes from behind and says he would be the first one to see
the photo.
Kareena tells Sherlin that she is an idiot and has disappointed her badly. Sherlin says Kareena doesn’t want to see the reality, Rishab already had feelings for Preeta. It was Kareena who betrayed her and fixed her marriage with Rishab. She asks what her selfish gain behind her is and Rishab’s wedding. Kareena explains she didn’t know Preeta was in Rishab’s heart, she only knew Preeta wanted to get Rishab. But Sherlin couldn’t understand her motif. She asks Sherlin what is her motif? She was the first one to know Preeta is there in Rishab’s heart, still she agreed to marry him.
At the door, Karan and Sameer discuss they must see the photos. Preeta and Shrishti discuss they are cooking something. Dadi opens the door who greets him well, she complains Karan visited them after so long. Janki comes to ask Karan if it was fixed, whom would he like? Karan feels awkward but Sarla comes to explain it was about some dish. Karan introduces them with Sameer as his younger brother. Sarla offers them seats. Karan asks to see the photos of guys Sarla shortlisted. Preeta wasn’t ready and thinks she won’t allow Karan to make fun of her, she goes to do something about it. Janki brings tea for them. Sameer was about to sip but Karan reminds he doesn’t like tea, and signals Sameer to go inside. Shrishti follows Sameer inside and finds him looking around, she asks if he is finding some way to make fun of them. She is proud of this house and loves it. Shrishti says she understands how their upper class thinks. She calls Sarla that Sameer wish to have tea.
Karan goes to Preeta’s room to see the photos. Shrishti was showing Preeta the photos which Karan snatches from her and jumps over the bed. He makes fun of the guys. Preeta says he isn’t that bad. Karan asks Sameer what he thinks of her, and Shrishti as well. Then asks Preeta. Preeta says he is like an idiot. Karan explains Preeta’s judgment is wrong, she dislikes him while everyone is his fan. Karan makes fun of the guy saying he had presented flowers to Malishka, then Malishka hit him with her Sandal of 37 size. It must still be imprinted over his face. Preeta blames Shrishti responsible for all this story. She tells Karan he must be jealous of these guys.
Kareena asks Sherlin what pushes her to be in a relation which won’t give her anything. Sherlin says her mother and Kareena are friends, and when she met Kareena she became a fan of her. Preeta told her that she got engaged, but it was also broken. Kareena was shocked to hear and asks when this happened. Sherlin apologizes for not being able to give this information to Kareena. She says she just heard Rishab and Preeta that Rishab has fired Deepak for misbehaving with Preeta. Kareena asks how she knows about Deepak. Sherlin boasts she can do anything if she can ruin her own engagement. But she is unable to gain anything and is irritated.
There, Karan tells Preeta they must find out about the details of the guy. Preeta asks if he is jealous? Karan says he isn’t jealous, he wants to help her which she never does. Shrishti reminds Preeta treated his elbow. Karan argues it was a torture. Preeta wish she had pressed some points while treating his shoulder that he was never able to play cricket again. Shrishti turns to leave, but mentions its Karwachot tomorrow. Preeta stares at Shrishti regretting the mention in front of Karan. Karan’s eyes spark, he says he would come tomorrow to see that guy. He must tell him he got Malishka after him but then left her as well. He asks if she will fast for him as well and mocks how he must look front behind the sieve.
PRECAP: Sherlin says I love you on call and turns to see Rishab standing behind. He questions whom does Sherlin love and wants to fast for? Why she didn’t tell about it earlier?
Mannu is disappointed that she could not meet King to give the letter she had written for him. Mannu telling Parachi lets go from here since she couldn't meet King..MB is happy and tells Mannu How come she is feeling defeated already….
Jantas sees Mannu and they start chanting "Hone wali Maharani Manikarnika ki Jai"…Dassi comes and tells mannu that Praja want to see her and even so one girl has stopped eating and says she will not eat without seeing Maharani..Mannu ask Parachi and Dassi to come so she can meet the praja and the girl..
Prime Minister stop Mannu from leaving saying due to her safety she can not leave the mahel. Mannu says praja wants to see her. PM says she can meet praja after the marriage ceremony…Mannu is disappointed…MB is giving cunning smile…(HAK he Hak he song is playing)..
Tatya Guru, Moropant and Nana Bhau comes and they sees the crowd are unable to control. Tatya Guru comes and ask Mannu what she is doing here? Mannu says, she wants to meet prajas as they are eager to meet her. Moropant says it is not suitable time to meet. MB is smiling evily…
In Mannu's room:
Mannu is walking here and there in her Katshya (room)…Parachi tells Mannu to walk like Rani. Mannu says she is not going to be Rani but a Bandini inside the palace as she has guard everywhere. Mannu says she wants to walk freely in Jhansi's air and meet Praja's and she wants to know them and understand them… Parchi says remember what Ajji saab had said …when you are confuse then call on OM…Mannu does that…Mannu's father comes and says beta so much anger ..
Mannu says - Jhansi Naresh does not care about her and even so he do not want to know the person behind her attack..
Moropant says- this is not your father's house but is your inlaws house and make sure you will never do anything to hurt King and moropant leaves
Mannu says she will leave the room and go out to see Jhansi..MB comes and said make your own rule and King has his own rule and says King is busy in Naach-Gaan (dance & song)..Mannu says how can she says king is always busy in dance and song..MB says tonite at 7 pm king will be busy…and shows her the hidden way to get out of the mahel and see jhansi.
King in his mahel's pooja room:
King is doing pooja in Durga Maa's temple..Evil trio comes and says they have to pretend like they are with him so they can stay in mahel if not they cannot take part in his wedding and may even kick out of the mahel. Seeing them, King is amazed and ask them how come they are here…they said they want to part take in his wedding…King gives them permission and ask Raghu nath (prime minster) to keep eye on them..
Mannu's Palace:
Tatya guru is overseeing all samagri, mannu comes in disguise as one of her dassi and leaves the palace. Guard stops them at the door and ask why they are coming from the back door..the dassi's cook up the story saying they are leaving to get flower for queen. Guard ask them to go thru back door..
Outside, Evil trio arrives and says to the guard -go and tell the brides family that we are arriving to welcome the Queen. Mannu hears it …King comes to the same area too and tells his Prime Minister and tatya pandit to make sure that you have guards everywhere for the safety of queen…
Mannu says lets go and is walking without seeing in the front and she collides with the king and she drops the gold coins. PM says yeh ladki are you blind..mannu is scare and are about to leave with her dassi…King pick up the coin and says stop..and it ends …Tomorrow pre-cap: Mannu sees british flag and she picks mitti in her hand and says…from today Jhansi is my MAA...
King tells stops and looks the gold coin..Manu and dassi are scare..
King says come here, mannu walks up to king (mannu has hidden her face with dupatta)
King says you dropped your coin and gives it back to her.
Mannu looks at him in awe (i love the romantic music they play for mannu and roa)
and she goes away. Mannu is out in the open away from the palace.....and she ask about the different direction? Mannu tells her dassi to wait here.. She will go alone but all dassi says no, she is new here and do not know about Jhansi whereabouts. they cannot leave her alone..Mannu orders them. Mannu goes to see Jhansi..
All the people are enjoying with the daily chores of their life. One Shop owner is distributing sweets one guy comes and says you never give anything free. The shop owner says Maharani is coming and he will distibute the sweets. The shop owner sees mannu and say you come and get the sweet for yourself ... mannu is happy ..
Two ladies are pulling water from the well. One lady ask why are you in rush today. The another ladies says she has to go to see the Queen later on. Mannu is happy seeing peoples interaction? Mannu sees the King Palace and is happy; she sees another building where british flag is flying. She pick the mitti and says Jhansi has accepted her honorly. ..... so she will do everything for its safety..from today Jhansi is her mother..
In the Kings palace:
MB comes and says hazur, King says I want to take rest and you know not to disturb me..King says you are here after knowing that I don't want to see you. MB says forgive me for my mistake. And says I have called the dancer for you. King says I will think about it. MB turns to leave and smile evily saying the dancer will be no one but hone wali maharani in disguised
Evening time Mannu out in street:
People were talking how good king is, and how much he cares for his Jantas. Mannu is happy hearing that.... the guys again says I have heard our queen is brave and courageous too and she had beaten Firangi ..Mannu suddenly hears Sumer Singh's voice and is happy and she expressed her desire to meet him. Sumer Singh says he can not believe she is out here openly, how did she escape so many bodyguards. Sumer Singh says there is a woman who leaves mahal at night and goes into Commisonary..I think she might be the same woman who planned your attacked, I have followed her many times but suddenly she vanishes..Mannu ask if she will come tonite too but Sumer Singh is gone.
Mannu's palace:
Evil trio tells moropant that they are here to meet Hone Wali Mannu and she is no where to be seen ... ... Parachi says she is doing pooja..Janaki bai say, before you said she is bathing and now puja.. Parachi then says, don't you know after bathing you do puja, before puja you have to decorate thali with flowers, kum kum, rudra and etc..
Evil trio are not happy. Evil trio says does that mean we have to wait all night to see Queen..
Tatya Guru says if you have given us a notice before we could have make arrangements and now we cannot disturb her in puja..
Outside in the evening:
Mannu is waiting outside of palace to see who leaves at night. someone comes out just like sumer singh has said. Mannu follow the figure to british commisonary. There is a strong wind pushing mannu by the time mannu opens her eyes t he figure is gone..Mannu is disappointed and puts her hand in the wall of commiosnary building. The door opens.. Mannu goes is british commisionary.
MB comes to the same Britisher who she paid to kill mannu. MB says all her plan has backfired and wonders what kind of power is protecting manikarnika.. She tells the commisoner that she had made a plan that will hault the marriage, commissoner ask how... MB says she has invited the king for dance. Mannu will be upset when she sees the king busy with the dancers and King will see hone wali maharani in kaniz place and spying on him...then you will know the result and she leaves..
Mannu is outside waiting and sees the lady leaving british commisonery and she follows..MB turns to see if anyone is following her but mannu disappears. MB comes to her room and she adores the necklace Mannu is shocked to see her necklace there (necklace was stole from mannu's room) .. MB is dancing with the necklace and finally mannu sees the face and is shocked ?
No pre-cap
Mari José's family is happy, unaware that this is Mariana.
Prudencia asks Lupe for help, despite his promise to Santi. Viviana is still waiting for the arrival of her future husband Diego who loves another and is ready to leave everything to her.
Refresher: Lucia and Ramon discuss Nora's case and his crush on Lucia. Brigida faces cold reality of Amadiva's mistakes. Marcelo interrupts the Lucia/Ramon tea and it looks like we might get an exciting confrontation.
This Episode: Some people find out some secrets and some people are afraid to tell people secrets. Plus a picture of MC Becky!
We do not get an exciting introduction between Marcelo and Ramon. The two men make their introductions and that's really about it.
Neither one has much to say. Lucia rushes Marcelo out of there. He asks her why she's in a rush. She wants to find Nora and the gun. (I almost went with Nora's Got a Gun for my 90s song title for the post heading.) Marcelo notices that Lucia almost didn't seem to want Marcelo there, but she says it's only because she is worried about her father not seeing a cardiologist.
Nora talks to Al. She wants to know all the scoop he has about Ricardo and Rebeca, and to verify what she has heard about their long-ago affair and Rebeca's allegations that he attempted to rape and blackmail her. Well that should keep Al's heart ticking! Nora is thinking this is what drove Al to seek a divorce and tries to defend her mother. Alonso clarifies that he's seeking a divorce because of many changes in Rebeca, and that Ricardo has little to do with it. Nora continues to advocate for Rebeca, and Alonso reiterates his position. Then Alonso tells Nora that she can live with him after he moves out, and in fact, he would be pleased if she did.
Norma is leaving work late and can't find a taxi. Naz offers to drive her home. This strangely romantic music plays.
As they depart, Lalo follows them out the factory door and turns out the lights. Then he goes to a rare wall telephone and makes a call to Tere to confirm the details for their date to the wedding. (Tere says that Rebeca will kill her if she catches her getting a personal call, lol.) After he hangs up, he locks eyes with that awful Vinicio who has come around the bend. They have a moment while Lalo makes a show of locking up the factory and dangling the keys. After Lalo leaves, Vinicio dials *69 to see who he called and gets the Mansion Gaxiola. He gets this weird glint in his eye and says "Teresita" with a creepy smile. I do not like this at all!
Norma and Naz arrive at her house and have some awkward goodbye conversation as she indicates to him she lives alone. But it turns out they've both been invited to the wedding tomorrow. They awkwardly make plans to go together. I'm sorry, they're a little too awkward; I think I'm team Rafiella if Naz must have a new girlfriend, but I'm really team too soon after Trini.
Magdalena and Mario are looking at their wedding gifts and friskily throwing linens at each other.
They are sad some of their dearly departed friends and family can't be there. Mario wonders why Magdalena doesn't want Rebeca there. Mags clarifies that Rebeca has Done. Bad. Things. to Mags that definitely would get her uninvited to anyone's wedding.
Alonso comes into the bedroom and delivers his divorce papers to Rebeca. She promptly tears them up.
Alonso doesn't understand why Rebeca wants to stay with him when he clearly doesn't love her anymore. She tells him that she has loved him from the first day she saw him. (This got my hopes up for a Horacio Poncheri playing young Alonso flashback but nope.) She adds this is why he shouldn't believe the allegations that she was the reason Ricardo left Mags at the altar. Alonso picks up on the fact that she was in love with him even when he was with Adriana and starts to raise his suspicions that Rebeca had something to do with Adriana's death. Rebeca vigorously denies this. Alonso is not convinced and asks Rebeca to swear upon Nora's life that she had nothing to do with Adriana's death. Rebeca is furious that Alonso would invoke Nora in this argument. Alonso backs down from that. But he promises to uncover the truth and tells Rebeca that the papers she tore up were only a copy; the divorce is happening!
Marcelo arrives home and Rafi rushes to warn him: She's BAAAAAAACKKKK.
Yup, Momster has arrived and posted herself in Marcelo's bedroom after Dani threw her out. She tearfully tells her son how she offended and hurt she is from Dani's eviction. She also is way too worried about a son's ex-girlfriend who spent the night out of her own home and tries to get Marcelo to talk to Dani. Marcelo points out as the ex-boyfriend he's not in a position to do that to a grown woman who has her own life. Momster wants to tell Dani's father. Marcelo convinces her not to do that. Momster then guilts Marcelo into letting her return to live there. He really has no choice, poor guy.
The next morning, Lucia checks on Alonso. He looks better. Now I'm really worried! He wants to go to the factory to work, and not to the cardiologist. Things are together. His divorce is on track. Now he just needs Lucia to marry Marcelo and get out of the house before Rebeca hurts Lucia in retaliation for Alonso leaving her. Lucia is like, please, I can handle her.
Brigida and Rod meet for a meal. He's having trouble finding work. She mentions Amador's being forced to give up his partnership and that they might sell the home. She's actually sad for Amador, as in her eyes, he's worked hard. Ugh. She wonders if he could come home and they could resume their old family life. Rod tells her there's no way and encourages her to leave him. She says she's not brave like Rod. Rod says he's not brave, because if he were, there's no way he would have been stupid and lost Lucia. He thinks every day about how it would have turned out if he had married her. Brigida adds "or Nora." Rod simply encourages Brigida to be careful of Nora; she's not like she seems.
Roman calls Nora to schedule an appointment. She blows him off.
Nora asks Lucia (who is clomping loudly down the hallway) if she's found the gun yet (LOL!) Lucia says no, and Nora says well you searched my room, I guess I don't have it! Lucia retorts that she hasn't told Al yet, but if she's left with no choice, she will. Nora is like, eh, go ahead and tell Alonso, and tell Roman too. They like to talk about my nonsense. But you are all wasting your time.
Marcelo gives some documents to feeling-better Alonso who makes fun of Lucia wanting him to see a doctor. The two dummies laugh at this. Ugh. Alonso says it's normal for parents to pass before the children, and don't save him when it happens. UGH! Alonso says it pleases him that Lucia is engaged to a guy like Marcelo and asks what Momster thinks about it. Marcelo asks why he's asking, and Alonso mentions the visit from Momster, where she asked Lucia to tell her about the woman involved with Fede. Marcelo gets some serious anxiety about how to answer and tries to deflect by saying Fede killed himself, but Alonso presses for the identity of the woman. Does he know her. Oh do you ever, Al. Marcelo tells him that he is afraid of how the woman will react when she is outed. Norma puts a call through and Marcelo is saved by the bell this time. Before Alonso takes the call and Marcelo leaves, Marcelo tells him they will talk later and he does want to clarify the matter.
Nora visits Magdalena and invites herself inside.
Lucia and Marcelo discuss how Marcelo almost told Alonso about Rebeca. Marcelo is afraid to tell him. Lucia is pre-occupied and worried and they agree to talk later that night about it. But first, the wedding! They will meet at the church. Lucia needs to help Mags get ready.
Nora asks Magdalena if it's true that Ricardo left her at the altar due to Rebeca. Magdalena simply replies that Nora's mom has some major flaws. Nora defends her mom. Magdalena tells her that she doesn't want to argue and hey she's got a new wedding to get ready for. This is the first Nora has heard of the wedding. Magdalena reluctantly has to invite her. Nora is flummoxed and rushes out of there with a "hope what happened to you last time doesn't happen again! Oops sorry didn't mean it!"
On her way out, Nora bumps into arriving Lucia and says that she was there to congratulate their aunt. Lucia rushes in to see what Nora was really doing there. Mags fills her in - it seems that Nora is developing a few doubts about her mom. Lucia says, "If only she knew everything her mom has done." Mags feels kind of bad for Nora, but Lucia mentions that Nora has her own secrets and tells her about the break-in to Marcelo's apartment and stealing the gun. Mags is understandably concerned about a missing gun in the hands of Nora. Lucia adds that she's worried about Alonso's health too and his search to find out the identity of the woman that brought Marcelo to town. It's all too much. Especially for Mags who just wants to get ready for her wedding and reminds Lucia about it. They redirect themselves to wedding preparations.
Brigida returns home to a frazzled maid, who says Amador has locked himself if Rod's room all day. Brigida busts in to find an out-of-it Amadiva on the floor there. He cries out that they lost the house, they've lost everything, his son hates him and he wants to die. And it's all Marcelo's fault. Brigida comforts him.
Lalo runs to Marcelo. He's rushing to complete work and get to his big date for the wedding with Tere. Marcelo gives him a nice tie to wear on the date and helps him tie it. Lalo is touched that they are true friends. He wants Marcelo to be the witness when he marries Tere! (Whoa Lalo you're only on your second or third date here.) Marcelo comments that he has a little personal business to take care of for that to happen.
Magda is having an updo for her wedding. She looks pretty. Lucia gets a call from Roman, who tells her about Nora blowing off his attempt to schedule an appointment. He also wants Lucia to know he knows she loves her boyfriend. LOL, Lucia is aware.
Lucia is like yeah, thanks for the call with these big QTF, why are you bothering me eyes. She returns to the far more important item: Mags' hairdo for the wedding.
Nora comes into Rebeca's bedroom. Did Rebeca know there's a wedding today? Rebeca knew there was a wedding, but not that it was today and sniffs that Mags didn't invite her. Nora leaves with a parting shot that she guesses that Alonso is bringing Lety's mom as his date.
Ricardo is visiting Dani's pad. She tells him that her father pays for it. We get a little back story and learn that Dani's mom is dead and her dad travels and pays for everything, but really they don't communicate. Dani is basically alone, but Ricardo tells her now he cares for her. Then he gets a mysterious call. He tells the caller to give him 5-10 minutes and he'll call back. He makes a vague excuse to Dani. She makes him promise not to leave her alone too long. As they smooch, Momster uses her key to come in and startles them.
Momster is gobsmacked to see this but quickly recovers and asks who the hell is Dani with? Dani tells her it's none of her business and Ricardo scoots.
Rod tells his mom she won't go to the wedding and she wants nothing to do with him. Sergio overhears and asks who he was talking about. Rod tells him his mom says his dad is depressed and she wants Rod to see him, but Rod refuses. Sergio encourages him to go, as it is still his dad after all.
Momster tells Dani that Ricardo is old enough to be her father. Dani retorts that he treats her better than Marcelo did. They trade a few more insults and overbearing mom'isms. Did Momster come to spy? No, just to get her things. Dani tells her to get them, and give her the key so you can't come back in again, which Momster does.
Ricardo gets a visit from Nora. She reminds him they have met before. He recalls meeting her at Leti's house and that Nora wanted nothing to do with the people who lived there. Nora says that's true, but she's there to talk about her mother and the things she has done. Ricardo tries to play dumb, and Nora tells him not to play dumb. She knows he tried to slander her and rape her. Ricardo scoffs and says that Rebeca seduced him back in the day so that he would leave Mags. Nora gets uncomfortable and tries to leave, but Ricardo roughly grabs her and tells her he must show her something. He shows her a picture of Rebeca in her MC Becky days (see screencap above). Then he turns it around to show a love note Rebeca penned to him:
He reads the note which basically says, "For the man who had the passion that no man ever made me feel, with all my love, MC Becky." Nora is agape. That wedding is going to be nuts tonight!
Scene 1:
Location: Ishaan’s Residence and on the road
While urmi is getting ready, samrat springs up stealthily behind her, and starts buttoning her blouse from behind. she is startled and flinches in disgust when she finds that its samrat. she snatches away and asks how dare he get inside. He asks her tauntingly, that she behaves as if she hasnt been touched by him before. urmi says that when the whole family throws him out, then he shall come to his truest existence. She asks him to get out. He asks her to think of herself, as people would raise questions. Samrat too gloats that he is the son in law, and she too shall have to respect him. she says that he wont ever get the respect, but he is unfazed and asks her to start the countdown instead, as he is making his place and
she shall stdn helpless. He wishes her best of luck for the munh Dikhayi, for the second time. samrat leaves having leeringly taunted at her non-virginal status and leaves. Urmi stands shocked.
Urmi greets everyone as the munh dikhayi ceremoney begins, and all compliment damini on the b’ful bride. sandhya doesnt leave any stone unturned to leave urmi insulted and humiliated. But the ladies continue praising. Damini sits tensed. samrat sees them from the balcony, and thinks that samdhya can be in his compant to plot against urmi, and even looks like Damini also doesnt like urmi much. He thinks that the women who are praising urmi right now, shall insult her right in this very house. Tani comes and he starts romancing her. tani asks whats he seeing downstairs. He says that he was feeling thirsty, but cant go down. She says that she would just go down to get juice, and rushes down, while he evilly thinks that this idiot can be used at every step.
Damini finds tani descending, and takes her up, asking why is she coming down. she says that samrat is thirsty. Damini reminds her anirudh’s wish, as to how they cant answer her marital status. tani says that she doesnt care as she doesnt have double standards, and feels jealous. samrat comes in asking not to insist. Damini says that urmi isnt the apple of her eye either, but due to anirudh, she is complying along. samrat finds out that anirudh is praising urmi, while damini doesnt like her. He thinks that he can use damini and sandhya. damini says that had urmi not been the bahu of this house, they still would have accepted samrat somehow but not now. tani tries to speak, but samrat pretends to be the bigger person, and tries to emotionally indirect statements at Damini, and then starts saying that he shall get cheesecake for her, and tries to prove how much he loves her. tani leaves.
Anirudh tells ishaan that he wishes to take tani out of the will while ishaan is shocked and says that he cant do this. Anirudh asks him to get the legal formality done rightaway. Ishaan reminds him that this is a hasty descision. Anirudh however is beyond reprieve, enraged at tani, saying that he wont bear any of tani’s tantrums anymore, and its better they sign off the relation. Ishaan says that this isnt the problem to their situation, as samrat is using her, and she needs counselling. He says that he tried everything, and asks what does he want him to do. Anirudh is adamant that he cant stand her anymore. ishaan says that he knows he loves tani, but he shall regret this descision, if something were to happen to her. he says that he knows samrat, and hence wants tani to be here, so that samrat doesnt hurt her. He says that soon she shall see through his charade, and make him promise that he wont do anything like that. He requests him not to let tani fall prey, and its their duty to stand by her.
Downstairs, all the ladies talk about siring a grandchild, while sandhya and damini are frustrated. the phone rings, and samrat changes his tone and insists to speak to urmi. Urmi is given the phone. Samrat taunts her, about her son and she is disgusted. She says that its due to him, that her son isnt here, as he doesnt want to see him, and she doesnt want him to see him too. Samrat irritates her saying that he came to meet her son, as she has obviously forgotten him, in her marital status. she is scared and says that shaurya cant be with him, and fumbles asking where is shaurya. Samrat continues to tease him, sayingthat he got him here for swimming classes. urmi says that shaurya is scared of swimming. Samrat says that he shall teach him, by throwing shaurya into deep waters. urmi’s voice is raised and all are tensed as to how is she talking to, in such loud tones. Samrat tells urmi on the phone, that he is about to send a video of whatever he is planning to do, and hence asks her to keep her data connection on. Urmi is shocked. He says that even if she doesnt see shaurya drowning, she would see him dead. Urmi is scared and petrified, and asks him not to, and gets up. saroj asks her to sit down. But she is very tensed and frustrated. Sandhya tries to taunt, but saroj asks urmi whats the matter. When saroj knows what samrat said, she is shocked, but still asks her to sit down. asha says that shaurya is with her father, but urmi doesnt believe. She gets up. sandhya and everyone else ask her to sit down as the ritual is going on. finally, urmi’s eyes fall on samrat, eyeing him evilly on the doorstep. urmi gets up enraged as she finds samrat coming in, the dupatta sliding down her face, and the gifts falling on the floor.
Precap: Urmi goes to samrat, and starts hurling accusations at him, asking where is her son and what has he done to him. she asks him what he did with shaurya. All rush down, while samrat asks what would he do. urmi says that he is her son’s father and she knows very well what he is capable of. All the ladies get to know about urmi’s marital status with samrat, and the complexed relations in the house, and start gossiping in shock. all are tensed, while damni is enraged, as sandhya enjoys the drama.
Scene 1:
Location: Ishaan’s Residence
While all discuss as to how tani’s rash behaviour has resulted into many people questioning the nature of the marriage. Damini proposes that since all is done, they should just get ahead and accept the marriage, and throw in a joint reception. Just then, samrat, who is enjoying the drama, comes down pretending to be talking on the phone, and horrifed that the news of their marriage is on TV. They all watch and are shocked. Anirudh is super angry. But they have no option but to relent. Samrat meanwhile talks to the waiter of the hotel, who is getting all the work done for him, and promises to pay him off soon.
Scene 2:
Location: Urmi’s residence
All lament on urmi’s unending problems with samrat, and
how urmi and shaurya are deeply affected by samrat’s return. Devi asks them to concentrate now on the reception. thy are all tensed.
Click here for WEDNESDAY spoilers…
Scene 3:
Location: Reception Venue
Ishaan is super frustrated as anirudh throws a joined doble reception along with samrat and tani, as guests starts pouring in. Urmi calms him down saying that they need to put a polite and sweety face for the sake of society and can discuss it when they get home. Tani and ishaan get up to mingle with guests. Urmi keeps sitting stoical and stern, as samrat leaves no stone unturned in amusingly taunting her, and then warns her, as an ex-loyal husband, that if she doesnt buckle up soon, she would be reduced to nothing, and it would be a disaster for guarantee. He reminds what happened at the Munh Dikhayi, and that its just a trailer, as he would have to repay her back, for all that she did to him, along with interest. urmi replies that the day he is exposed, he wont even be able to be anyone’s past and asks him to think of his future. He says that he shall rob him of all her respect and self esteem. Tani comes back and tells that her father loves her a lot, to have put up this grand party. samrat too excitedly says that tani can charm anyone. But inside, he thiks that she is a fool who doesnt know that she is just a pawn for his bigger play. Anirudh meanwhile introduces his friends to urmi’s family. Damini tauntingly asks saroj how she feels to see both of urmi’s husbands together and continues to taunt that urmi and samrat are unseparable, and hence maybe god wants their destinies to be entangled together. sandhya is amused. Dadiji and saroj are extremely unconfortable, as they comment that their children got second hand counter parts. dadiji tries to prove that ishaan is meant for urmi, but they keep being insulted with snide comments.
Meanwhile, on the stage, Friends taunt tani for this eloping marriage. As tani and others banter, ishaan and urmi are tensed. They ask samrat of his profession, and tani comes in for his defense saying that he doesnt need to, as he can easily handle the vast business of his father. urmi and ishaan smirk at samrat’s uncomfortable demeanour. they start taunting samrat at his living off his wife’s expenses. Tani shuts them off, and the friends leave. urmi snidely looks at samrat, who’s frustrated.
Later, anirudh asks tani and ishaan to come along to be introduced to his special friend. Samrat rushes to go along with them. But anirudh asks him to stay where he is, as he isnt talking to him. They are taken along. Samrat fumes saying that very soon things shall change. He then narrates everything to tani, who says that they are boring people as it is, and then cheers him saying that he neednt be bored. She turns him off too. he fumingly eyes urmi chatting with all his business partners. Then he tells about his Kulguru, whose blessings would make a success out of their marriage. Urmi is excited to meet him. Samrat fumes silently. he thinks that urmi is getting a lot of attention. urmi sits beside him and tells samrat that respect isnt begotten for granted, and that it has to be earned, which is beyond his capabilities. Samrat fumes irritably, while urmi smirks. The screen freezes on samrat’s face.
Precap: The kulguru reprimands anirudh for bringing a bahu like this, and asks what got into him to do something like this. he listens silently wih his head hung low. all are shocked and tensed. Samrat smiles evilly.
Update Credit to: Rimjhim
Part 1
All are waiting for Madhu ..! RK asks Bittu the matter? Bittu says landline is engaged and Madhu is not answering! Bittu says guess Madhu is stuck in traffic! Roma says i agree with Bittu..! Mehul says Madhu cant be so indisciplined. .she isnt a superstar showing tantrum! Mehul says name of movie is changed to.. Ishq- Ek Junoon..! Mehul says it will gel better with story and movie!
Pabho tells Madhu that told u to do all this coz thot u knew the procedure.. u should have cleansed the frying pan before cooking! Madhu says cleaned every corner of kitchen! Pabho says egg shells din fly into the prasad.. her carelessness cost us..! Dips says happens in hurry ..guess she was in hurry to go to shoot! Pabho says anyone can make a mistake ..but this type of mistake can bring huge
trouble to our home! She says the blessing from Brahmin Bhoj opens ways to nivaran..and instead they cursed us ..n its not a tiny thing! Pabho says dunno coz of this what will happen to RK and this family..! Madhu says i will cook again! Pabho says not possible! Servant says RK is calling since long! Pabho takes the call and says Madhu is on the way! Pabho tells Madhu to go and warns her to ensure such thing doesnt repeat..! Pabho says whatever u with full focus…! Need to think! Pabho asks Madhu to leave and she is emotional ..but leaves!
Bittu says dun understand what is going on! RK asks why are we not able to call Madhu? Bittu says security said Madhu started for set..!RK asks then where is she? Roma tries to call Madhu..! Murthy asks how long will they make him wait? RK says seems u have desposited ur ears as Fixed Deposit.. Madhu is on the way! Murthy says.. if before shoot Madhu makes us wait so long.. how will work happen? Mehul assures they will manage.. its 90 day schedule and he will manage it in time! RK tells Murthy to focus on counting cash and not worry about all he doesnt tell how much loan he should give!
Pabho compliments Dips for her smartness to beat Madhu! Dips says..thanks and says seeing RKs breakfast got the idea.. and whatever i plan .. i make it succeed! Dips says its ur first victory dun be overconfident.. we have lot to do..! Pabho sips fruit juice n says its not fresh. .go n get fresh fruit juice! Dips gets up to leave but Pabho asks to open cupboard first.. and bring a small box..!
abho says Dips deserves a prize.. n shows a jewelery . .n then says will give it later.. !
Murthy says.. if in 15 mins Madhu doesnt come, have to report to seniors! RK says threatening RK? Murthy says no.. just reporting..! He says if after half shift also camera hasnt started rolling..we have to relook .. coz we have rights to withdraw the loan! RK fumes and is about to react when Madhu arrives..! Madhu recollects the curse by Brahmins..! Bittu rushes to tell RK .. Madhu is here! Madhu is nervous as she enters the studio ..! She recollects Pabhos words .how she is bad luck for all men in her life..! RK comes to her and Madhu says sorry! RK says welcome to my world..! RK says there is a rule here. ‘Apna dar ke bahar chor ke aao’! RK says its between us.. come..! RK takes Madhus hand in his and leads her to the set..! All watch the duo enter ..!
Mehul says der aaye durust aaye.. theres my girl..! All clap..! Mehul says Mr. Murthy .. heroine is here..! First day. First shot.. Welcome to the team …industry is gonna get a new face! RK says if its alright that she is late? Mehul says was gonna say that …if RK was late instead of her ..would have left..! RK thanks him! Mehul calls to hair and makeup person ..! RK leads Madhu to her green room and says if u need me.. ! Get ready…! RK says will go and see the scene markings.. as in where one has to stand..! Madhu is still nervous.! RK looks at Madhus reflection n says I LOVE U..! Madhu recollects her words that movies were never a part of her dream! Hair and Makeup person come to deck her up..! Madhu chants… Hauslo se veer ho..! Roma comes and compliments Madhu about looking superb! Roma gives her .. her dialogs ..! Bittu tells Madhu .shot is ready..! Madhu is nervous..!
Part 2
Mehul explains the scene to RK that they will shoot the scene where hero-heroine meet for the first time..! RK looks up and sees Madhu .. who is wearing a black gown..! Mehul asks Madhu nervous? Dont be.. ! Mehul says Anamika..the character she is playing is a strong one.. who is confident and open minded..! Instead of following Mehuls instructions.. Madhu is lost in the words of Pabho and Brahmins! The shot starts.. and Mehul says action..! In the scene.. RK says this is not my drink .. Madhu says. .this is my drink..! She stammers with the lines and Mehul cuts the shot..! He asks her to give another take..! RK tells Madhu not to take tension ..that all this is nothing! RK says i love u ..!
Part 3
Scene is reshot ..! Madhu again stammers..and mixes up the dialogs! Shot is cut! Mehul tells Madhu if she wants time to rehearse her lines.. she can take.. but her confidence should be visible..! Madhu again messes up..! Mehul talks of skipping the current lines …! Madhu tries the new lines but again messes! Mehul says cut! Madhu recollects Brahmins curse..! Mehul says one more take? RK says ur here just for namesake.. ur focus is not here! Madhu says am trying! RK says no ur not trying..! RK tells Madhu ..4 take.. 12 takes. but Madhu is not getting over this…! He asks Madhu ..where is her focus? RK says cut it.. PACK UP! Madhu is sad..!
. Precap —- Mehul tells RK thats its first day . .Madhu is nervous ..! RK says the girl he is talking about .. is his wife..and he knows her better than anyone else..! RK says Madhu wasnt here.. only a wife in daze was here..! Mehul tells RK he cant do this.. leave like this! RK says .. its my movie..can do anything.. even put it to sleep.. if i want! Murthy informs his seniors how the shot was cancelled on first day coz of Madhus poor performance! RK fumes!
Part 1
Mehul says its only my right to say Pack up.. RK says pack up means pack up..! RK walks off.. n Mehul follows..! Murthy fumes! RK tells Bittu to call car..n Mehul says its Madhus first day.. it happens! RK says the woman he is defending is my wife.. Madhu wasnt here.. a wife lost in thots had come here! Mehul says u cant do this to ur movie! RK says its my movie..whether i shoot or dun not ur business! Murthy reports status to his boss about how Madhus poor performance let to pack up! RK fumes but leaves from shoot! Madhu breaksdown! She recollects all the bad predictions about her ..!
Madhu prays to Bappa as to why he is doing this to her ?? Roma comes to her… n she hugs her n cries! Roma reassures her that on first day all this happens..! Roma asks if there is some other
issue?? Madhu says just want that RK is happy and all his troubles are over!
Bank head expresses shock about how shot got cancelled! Amar says this was expected…n if he wants ..he can cancel the loan! Kuku tells the Bank head that mahurat doesnt mean movie.. he has bet on an injured horse … which will result into losses..!!! Amar says RK ek dubta hua suraj hai. .jo uske sath judega ..woh bhi dubega..! Amar scares the bank head saying his job could be on line. ..! Amar tells Kuku that RK is finished..! Kuku says its not based on Amars words.. but Madhu turned out to be a fizzle..! Amar says this movie of RKs will never be completed..!
Pabho is worried and Radha asks to stay strong! RK storms inside and goes to his room! Radha asks the matter.. Madhu enters right then..! All ask her.. ! Bittu suggests Madhu to rest..! Pabho shuts him up ..! She sends off Dips to get water for Madhu..! Pabho scares Madhu more saying Brahmins curse works..!
RK tells Mehul that dun wanna talk on this… i know whats good or bad for the movie..! Pabho keeps scaring Madhu more n talking of more nivarans ..! RK looks at Rishbala poster and tears it off as Madhu watches shocked! RK asks Madhu what is up with her? Why was she not there…?? All working hard but she was just not there!
Part 2
Madhu says was there … nothing was wrong.. n doing with whole heart! RK asks u chose to help out.. then why ?? Madhu says but.. RK says every friday industry changes.. there are two rules.. in the industry.. hit or flop n Madhu has brought him to flop ..! RK says.. Superstar RK ka DAUR Khatam..!! RK walks off..!
Dips is pressing Pabhos leg and she says good improvement..! supporting well ..! She asks what next?? Pabho says keep pressing leg..! Pabho says let Madhu burn in the fire.. so much that she leaves the movie or RK throws her out..!
Part 3
RK is called up by reporters about cancellation of shoot..! Bittu too calls RK .. ! RK fumes on Bittu ..n says thats ur job..! Amar is on radio and says.. mahurat n new subject movies are declared every other day.. this movie will never be complete! RK drives his car faster.. n has a flat tyre..! RK starts to change tyres and recollects moments with Madhu ..! He feels guilty..! He says sorry. out loud!
Precap – Bittu tells Bank Head that he wont feel need to withdraw finance.! Bank Head says we have to ensure that money is properly utilized. n if second day shoot is also this bad.. will cancel loan!
Update Credit to: Armu4eva
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