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I am Emmanuel Hammond, a worshipa and a keyboardist, I live a life of simplicity and I really respect everyone no matter the rich or poor, religion or color.


Jero is pushing Gonzo for more information, Gonzo tells him that he needs to stay away and not cause any problems, Matias put his two cents in and Jero agrees and leaves. Matias asks Gonzo to make sure that he stays away, but Gonzo is not going to get involved with Matias and Jero is only concern is Renata and he tells Matias he is not going to help him with anything else. Connie comes in crying about Hon, she wants him out of jail. Gonzo tells her to calm down they are doing what they can and that it will be alright.
Augie is giving Zeke the run down about Renata being at the hacienda, he tells him that nobody knows she is here, Zeke smiles and say that little by little he is making her his woman to which Auggie smirks and then immediately yells, not to ask any questions. Just do what he is told.
Alphonsina is getting the farmers to help her identify the plague and us trying to find out what happened.
Jero is trying to figure this out talking to Gina, he says he respects Gonzo and Regina, but he doesn’t understand. Gina tells him that Gonzo has told her nothing. Jero is trying to put everything together. He is aware of the problems the company is having and they are wondering what that has to do with Renata it would make more sense if it had to do with Gonzo or Matias since they are more involved in the business. Gina asks if this has more to do with the problems at the company or the problems with him, she tells him that it is another possibility. Jero refuses to believe that he is sure it is to protect her from the company’s problems.
At the hacienda Auggie is talking to Roberta he tells her that he had an emergency, she believes him and asks when he is coming back and he says he has no idea, then she asks if she should come out there and he says that is a bad idea, no on can know they have a relationship. He tells her that they will talk soon and hangs up, then he laments about how he wants Renata and how he so happy to have her in his hacienda with him.
Roberta’s crazy friend comes in yelling about how Auggie is with another woman, Roberta asks if she knows anything about her and she says no, but she knows there is someone. Roberta laughs knowingly and says nothing.
Adri and Chema are hanging out when Connie comes in and Chema leaves, Matias stays with Adri and Connie walks Chema out and says thank you.
Renata and Jero are split screen wanting each other.
Adri is talking to Connie and Matias about her dad. Connie excuses herself to go to bed and Adri and Mat talk about Roberta and how she has to be responsible for the pics of Hon and Blanca and Connie and Chema, and he tells her that his marriage may not be so easy to get out of and that he needs to stay married for 10 years. Adri freaks and says that it’s crazy Roberta is very bad and he can’t stay married.
Hon is being taken from his cell to a hearing, Connie, Gonzo, and Matias are all there to tell him that everything will be okay and that he is not alone. Hon asks Gonzo and Matias to get Blanca and that she is one behind all of this.
Blanca is having lunch with her accomplice and he tells her that Hon will go away for a long time. She is pleased and says thank you.
Jero and Carlos are talking and Carlos tells Jero about the plaque outbreak and that it is a very bad. Jero says he does not want to leave Mexico right now. Carlos tries to tell him that he is the owner and that he needs to come and fix this. Jero tells him that he can handle everything, Carlos tells him that he will be on his honeymoon, Jero agrees to come back after he takes care of some stuff in Mexico.
Renata comes out in Auggies clothes since she has none of her own. He swears she looks great and she argues she looks silly. He tells he that he will take her shopping and get her everything she needs. She says no that it is not necessary, he insists then she tells him that she really just wants to go home. He tells her that she could spend a very long time in jail and that that is why her dad sent her there, she understands, but is very impatient he tells her to have patience.
Matias is confirming his marriage is legal and that the contract is binding he says yes and, then Matias hears Adri in his head telling him that Roberta is a bad person. He leaves to go confront Roberta.
Alphonsina is talking to the Dr, about what a creep Dr, Nesme is. The Dr tells her that it doesn’t have to be for bad they can get the test legally.
Connie and Adri are talking Adri asks how long her dad will be in jail and Connie says she has no idea. Adri asks her if since now she knows Blanca set a trap will her and Hon get back together, and what she feels for Chema. Connie says that she likes Chema and feels good with him. And that things with Hon are complicated. Adri thinks that since she is not in love with Chema then she and her dad still have a chance.
Renata is wandering around the hacienda and comes across little Zeke, she asks why he is not in school and he says he has no classes and she doesn’t believe him. Then he hears Auggie calling him and panics and says he does not like him, he is mean. Renata is not sure why he says that, but he hears him again and runs off. Auggie asks who she was talking to, he she says the grapes and laughs.
Jero answers the door (poor guy) and receives divorce papers!!!
Auggie is getting a list of what Renata needs, she gives him a short list, he asks if there is anything else and tells her that he will only be gone for a short time, but while she is there with him she is the head of the house and she argues that she is only a visitor, she does not like being called the boss.
Jero is blown away and does not understand, and now is convinced that she left because she did not want him, not because of the problems with the business.
Fina and Roberta are talking over breakfast, Roberta thinks that FIna is to calm considering all the problems that they have going on. Fina says that things will work out. Roberta asks if she has a plan. Fina only reads her the front page about Hon being in jail, Roberta tells her not to talk about that. To much is happening to her family. Fina says it should have been Gonzo and that way he couldn’t ruin their fortune and be with another woman or go through with the divorce. Roberta tells her to shut it, he is the one helping the family.
Gonzo is yelling at his lawyer about helping Hon, he wants all the lawyers working day and night to fix this. The lawyer asks about Renata and he tells him that he has it under control and that Renata will never go to jail.
Roberta welcomes Matias home they small talk about Hon and then Matias drops the hammer and tells her that the only way he they can get out of the pre-nup is if they both agree the marriage is over and ask for a divorce together. He tells her that he wants them to go together the next morning and sign the papers to get a divorce, Roberta tells him that that is not what she wants. Matias tells her that he doesn’t love her and does not want to be married to her.
FIna is having lunch with Tony (nothing good can come of this) they are discussing her girls and Fina has a flash back to when she realized that her daughter was left out of this will. (I wonder now if Tony is working Fina?) Fina tells Tony she knows what she is doing and Tony tells her that he only wants to find out what happened , since Gina has suffered over the loss of her daughter.
Matias and Roberta argue over the fact she doesn’t want a divorce and that he is stuck with her. He said that he does not love her and she does not love him, Roberta smugly says that maybe over ten years he will learn to love her, he pushes her away and says that will never happen, as he tries to leave Roberta smugly says that his last name and his money are hers. Matias gladly reminds her he has no money and that she would get none of it anyway, she is not having a baby, and she is not entitled to a dime of his money so she will be married to him for ten years,but will get no money. (doing the happy dance for Matias) Roberta looks ill like she might be sick.
Auggie is buying clothes for Renata. ( not clothes you can wear in public)
Zeke brings jr to be with mom, and jr tells her that he saw Renata at Auggies and she is wondering what she is doing there.
Laza is telling Jero he is glad he is back with everything going on, Laza asks if he can go take care of some things in town. Jero tells Carlos about the divorce. Jero admits its finally over. He lost her.
The authorities have arrived for Renata and nobody knows where she is (hahaha) Gonzo tells them that she does not work her anymore and that he does not know where she is. They tell him that if he does not tell them he is an accomplice, Gonzo says he understands but knows nothing and tells them they have no business there and to leave.
Gina is helping Adri with her recovery. She is looking forward to getting better to visit her dad. Gina says she has become the Queen of patience after looking for her daughter. Gina asks about Renata, if there was a particular reason she left. They don’t know of any.
Auggie brings Renata her stuff, she is not thrilled about the stuff , but says she wants to see it.
Jero still wants to find out who killed his brother, he lost Renata and all he has left is his brother. They also need to identify and fix the Plaque. Carlos tells him if they don’t soon they will have serious problems.
Renata shows Auggie what he bought, she thanks him for the clothes. He tells her that the cops showed up looking for her. She is worried now.
Connie and Gina are chatting about Chema and Jero Gina tells Connie that Jero married Renata for revenge, but he really does love her. As she is walking to her car Fina pulls up and looks right at her, Gina recognizes her and Fina looks panic.
Wheeew that was a lot. Tomorrow should be awesome!!!! Enjoy

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