After the WrestleMania taster and Plot Earring’s grand entrance, Nora tells Lucía that Tere found the earring in Rebeca’s room when she was cleaning ( hacer el aseo). Nora put it in her nightstand drawer and forgot to give it back to her mother. Lucía says she’ll do it herself. Nora asks her why she’s gone berserk over this. “Don’t mind me. Lately, I get upset ( alterarse) over the darndest things.”
Marcelo’s cellphone receives the MMS picture message of Lucía and Dr. Fondler locked in an amorous clinch. Naturally, Milagros checks it out and shows it to Rafaela as proof that her adored Lucía doesn’t give a toss (le importa un comino. Lit.: “She cares as much as a cumin seed”) that Marcelo is detained (preso ). Rafaela thinks they shouldn’t rush to judgement. Maybe the young man in the photo is her relative (un pariente) or a family friend. “Or her grandpappy!” sneers Milagros. This isn’t the first time Mother Terror has seen this guy with that two-timing tart ( mosca muerta . Lit.: “dead fly”). Rafaela maintains that there must be a plausible explanation. Sometimes, appearances can be deceiving ( a veces las apariencias engañan). “Oh, shut up and stop defending the indefensible!” snaps Milagros.
Lucía asks Tere about Plot Earring and the housekeeper corroborates Nora’s story. The earring was indeed in Rebeca’s room and Tere knows this because it caused the vacuum ( la aspiradora) to suddenly stop as soon as it aspirated it. This happened the day after Alonso’s funeral, may he rest in novela peace. That’s enough evidence for Lucía to march into Rebeca’s room, ready to draw blood. Whora Major is not there so Lucía checks the jewelry box sitting on top of the dresser and finds Plot Earring’s twin. She holds both earrings up to examine them closely and audibly gasps: “Marcelo was right!”
Sergio wants to know why Rodrigo accepted his father’s job offer at the
fábrica when he was so adamant against it up until an episode ago. Rodrigo reckons this is his opportunity to be close to Lucía, especially now that a certain idiot named Marcelo isn’t orbiting her. Delusions of grandeur doesn’t just run in the Zúñiga family, it competes in triathlons. In another blatant breach of the Attorneys’ Code of Ethics, Sergio asks Rodrigo whether he discussed Marcelo’s case with his father. Rodrigo pretends they didn’t talk about it because it never came up. Sergito the chismosito wonders whether Rodrigo would be bothered if he were to find out that his dad was behind Marcelo’s arrest. Rodrigo says he doesn’t care. If anything, he’s grateful to his father for ridding him of Marcelo.
Rebeca is in Alonso’s study rummaging through his papers. She finds Adriana’s photo frame in one of his desk drawers and starts stabbing it viciously with a pair of scissors. Nora comes in to ask her whether Lucía gave her back Plot Earring. Lucía went nuts when she found it. Why is that, Mommy Whorest?
Lucía is still staring intently at Plot Earring and its twin, her eyes filling up with tears and enraged resolve. When Rebeca enters the room, Lucía walks up to her and without saying a word, Zsa-Zsas her hard across the face! Here’s Lucky Number 52 for your Slapster Roster, Kendra! “Marcelo was right! Yes, you did talk to my dad before he died! Yes, he came here looking for you! Yes, he chewed you out for your cheating ways and for what you did to Marcelo’s brother! But above all, I am certain he must’ve confronted you for using my mother’s name to sleep around with Lord knows how many men!” Rebeca resorts to her favorite defense technique: Deny, deny, deny in a shrill voice while pouting and flailing her arms about. She claims she was out of the house the whole afternoon and didn’t return until well after dark, when Alonso was already dead. The headshrinker and Mother Terror can testify to this and confirm her timeline. Lucía demands an explanation for how Plot Earring found its way back to Whora Major’s room. This is the same earring that she left beside Federico’s lifeless body and that has been contrivedly pushing the plot along ever since. Marcelo gave Plot Earring to Alonso and Lucía is sure that her dad threw it in Whora Major’s face when he confronted her. This is the earring you had in your jewelry box ( alhajera) and this here is Plot Earring! What do you have to say for yourself? Rebeca suggests that maybe Alonso dropped it in her room. You lie! Lucía is positive Rebeca spoke with Alonso that night. She could swear Rebeca was there when he died. This conclusion makes her lunge at Rebeca: “What did you do to my daddy?” “I didn’t do anything! He was already dead when I got here. He had a heart attack with nobody around to help him and he must’ve died hating your precious Marcelo! And yes, [he died hating] me as well, surely.” “Your explanation doesn’t convince me. But rest assured that this doesn’t end here! I swear that as long as there is a breath in my body, you will never have peace of mind ever again! I will personally take care of that!” Nora frantically bangs on the door: “Hey, what’s going on in there?” Rebeca is grateful for this reprieve: “Go on! Tell your sister what you suspect regarding your father’s death! If she slashes her wrists again, it’ll be all your fault!” Lucía announces that she is keeping Plot Earring. She hurls Plot Earring’s irrelevant twin at Rebe’s feet with a look of utter disdain on her face. Nora is allowed in and she demands to be told what the deal is with them and those damn earrings. “And don’t say it’s nothing ‘cause I ain’t dumb!” Barely able to contain her contempt, Lucía points her in Rebe’s direction: “Your mom will explain.”
After the adrenaline rush in the viper pit, it is now time for waterworks galore in Lucía’s room. “What do I do now, Dear God? You were right, my love! You were right all along!” She flashbacks to the day of Trini’s funeral when she begged Marcelo to stay, because if he were to leave, she would die of sorrow.
Marcelo is sitting on the floor of his jail cell, alone with his compulsory “Pining for Lucía” flashback. A policeman informs him that he’ll be seeing the judge first thing tomorrow morning. “Does my lawyer know?” he asks. The policeman can’t say he does. That’s for you to find out, cupcake!
Back at Casa Gaxiola, Rebeca spins a fanciful tale to explain to Nora why she and Lucía locked horns a wee bit earlier. Lucía claims that the earrings belonged to her late mother. No way! Lucía must be tripping! Nora remembers clearly the day when her dad gave them to her mom as a wedding anniversary gift! Rebeca pretends that Lucía kept one of the earrings out of spite. She wanted to prevent Rebeca from ever wearing them again! “Your sister wants to dispossess ( despojar) us of everything that is rightfully ours and we can’t allow her to do it!” affirms Whora Major. Whora Minor agrees wholeheartedly. She insists that they ought to buy Lucía’s other half of the house then kick her out! “We need to be united against her! Now give your mommy a hug, will you? I love you!” The Whoras share a complicit hug that would be endearing if it didn’t ooze so much venom.
The next morning, Lucía goes to Casa Treviño to show her godfather Plot Earring. She summarizes the trajectory of that crucial piece of jewelry and reveals her suspicions about her evil aunt. Marcelo was right: Rebeca was the last one to see Alonso alive and, if she lied about being present when he died, it’s because the heinous vitch is hiding something! Nazario points out that this is all speculation and they have no tangible proof. Lucía wants to write a note to El Chapo Marcelo about this, since visits seem to be strictly prohibited for no valid reason whatsoever. Lucía can’t wait to share the happy news with her Fetching Papasito ! Plot Earring is the sign she has been hoping her dear departed dad would send her as proof that he blesses her union with the man who played him for a fool and betrayed his trust.
The Zúñigas Father and Son sashay into the fábrica with much pomp and smugness. They swagger along the corridor like they own place. Rodrigo greets Normita and she mutters a half-hearted reply. Ever the condescending tool, Amador turns to his son and asks: “It doesn’t smell like coffee in here, does it? Do you smell coffee?” He actually starts sniffing the air! Wow. Slow clap at the majestic douchebaggery. “That’s because I haven’t prepared any yet, Sir.” “That is why! Then please do prepare two coffees! Send one to Licenciado Zúñiga at his office, and another one for me, si es tan gentil , if you would be so kind. ” He accompanies Rodrigo to his new old office, the office he used to be holed up in all day pretending to work, before he jilted the boss’s daughter at the altar. Amador says the office is the same as Rodrigo left it, save for some of Marcelo Escalante’s personal items that will be chucked into a nearby dumpster dispatched to their owner shortly. Rodrigo asks his father why he didn’t mention yesterday that Marcelo was under arrest for embezzlement. Amador deemed it was uninmportant. “Is he guilty?” wonders Rodrigo. “If the police arrested him, it’s gotta be for something!” “The police arrested me as well, for Ligia’s murder, and I was innocent!” retorts Rodrigo. Amador tells him to stop thinking about nonsense. “Enjoy the moment and make yourself comfortable!” He gives his boy a hug to celebrate his return: “Welcome, son! So good to have you back!”
At the Ministerio Público , the receptionist informs Lucía that Marcelo posted bail this morning and was released a wee while ago.
Mario drops Marcelo at Puebla’s favorite hospital and asks him why he wanted to come here first. Marcelo replies that he needs to enquire about someone’s condition. “That person must be important to you since you decided to visit them first instead of going home to your mother... or going to see Lucía.” Marcelo says he’ll pop in real quick then go home. As for Lucía, he doubts very much that she would accept to receive him. Mario tells him he is wrong to assume that. Lucía was desperate to visit him in jail and was worried sick about him the whole time. Marcelo suppresses a hopeful smile but his dark thoughts immediately take over. He doesn’t think this means anything and much less that she would accept to get back together.
In the intensive care unit, Alfredo is in his fumigator uniform looking angsty and watching his daughter sleep. Suddenly, the machines hooked to Daniela start beeping. Come on, flatline! A flurry of scrubs rush into the room and order Alfredo out. Marcelo arrives to find the desperate father sobbing. He asks what’s going on with Daniela and Alfredo rips into him: “This is all because of you! My daughter is dying and it’s all your fault! You are the only one responsible of what’s happening! ¡Tu eres el culpable de absolutamente todo! ¡De todo! Everything is your fault! Absolutely everything!” Marcelo puts on his guilty puppy face and stifles a sniffle. Yeah, you’re to blame for everything that’s wrong wih Colorlandia and the world! Daniela’s accident, Alonso’s death, Federico’s suicide, climate change, MH370’s disappearance, coral bleaching, Justin Beaver, dessert pizzas, spaghetti straps over white T-shirts, stomping my pinky toe this morning... It’s all your fault, Marcelo! Alfredo knows he’s a terrible father but Daniela came to Puebla to follow Marcelo. His rejection made her the most miserable woman on earth and pushed her into Tricky Ricky’s slimy arms. Marcelo swears on his brother’s memory that he would give whatever it takes if it could avoid Daniela this suffering. “It’s too late to be sorry!” says Alfredo. Sara shows up and Alfredo begs her to save his daughter’s life.
Lucía goes looking for Marcelo at his apartment. Milagros welcomes her with a barrage of unfounded accusations and insulting insinuations. The usual drivel.
Drat! Daniela’s respiratory failure hasn’t killed her. Marcelo looks at her comatose body from behind the glass. Guilt-palooza.
Normita runteldats on the Zúñigas to Don Nazario and Lalo. Nazario thinks it’s best to pick their battles and not oppose Rodrigo’s return to the fábrica for now.
Rebeca is incensed that Rodrigo is back at Talavera Gaxiola. Amador says they will need a good manager for the admin side of the business. Rebeca reluctantly agrees. Whatevs, just keep your spawn away from mine!
At Casa Gaxiola, Lucía asks Tere if Marcelo has visited or called asking for her. Nope and nope. She goes upstairs to find Nora rummaging through her drawers. She is looking for her mother’s earring that Lucía stole. Lucía orders her out. Nora believes her mom is right: Lucía is indeed out to dispossess them! Lucía thinks it’s a shame that their attempt to become real sisters has failed. Nora can’t have a close relationship with her sister if that sister hates Nora’s mom and wants to kick her out of the house. Duh!
Marcelo is welcomed back to his apartment by Rafaela and Milagros. He sees Lucía’s photo with Dr. Fondler and gets upset.
Lety TMZ asks Sergio why he didn’t tell her about Marcelo. Because Mario wouldn’t let him so he went babbling to Rodrigo instead . Lety TMZ thinks he doesn’t trust her. “Of course, I trust you. More than anyone else. You’re my best friend!” “Is that how you see me? As your best friend?” Googly eyes back and forth. Sergio tells her they need to talk but not here. “Let’s go out to dinner tonight!” “I can’t, I’m meeting my dad.” “Why?” “I wanna give myself an opportunity to get to know him. Besides, he’s feeling down because of what happened to Daniela.” “What happened?” “Didn’t Rodrigo tell you? Daniela, Ligia’s cousin, and my dad are an item and Daniela had an accident and she is in a coma right now!” Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, I’m here all week for your chisme -quenching needs!
Ricardo protests Marcelo’s release on bail. The judge tells him to quit whining and to follow up on his cases like proper lawyers do!
Nora goes looking for Marcelo at the Ministerio Público. She bumps into Tricky Ricky who asks her whether she liked her Ma’s photo that he showed her. She snaps at him that it’s all a bunch of lies ( una bola de mentiras )! “Neither you nor anybody else will ever make me doubt my mom!” He tells her she reminds him of Rebeca when she was younger, only much more beautiful. He tries to caress her chin but she smacks his hand away: “Don’t touch me!”
Back at the fábrica , Rodrigo feels humiliated by Rebeca’s reaction when she saw him. She nearly kicked him out! Amador tells him not to worry. Rebe accepted him back. “How did you convince her? “By telling her that the
fábrica needs someone competent (hehehe!) and trustworthy (hehehe!) to replace Marcelo.” Rodrigo believes Rebe will never trust him again after what he did to Lucía and Nora. Amador assures him that Rebe doesn’t give two flying hoots about Lucía, but she did warn him to warn Rodrigo to stay away from Nora. Rodrigo would never touch Nora with a ten-foot pole. However, he is ready to move heaven and earth to win over Lucía. Amador likes the sound of that. “Did they bring you your coffee?” Rod says no. Amador goes into the corridor and hollers: “Normita! Where’s that coffee?”
Marcelo is at Casa Gaxiola. Lucía runs downstairs excited to see him and show him Plot Earring. They hug and she tells him how happy she is he’s free. She has so much to tell him. So does he. You go first! He tells her she was right. He is indeed responsible of what happened to her dad and of many other things. “No, Marcelo. I was feeling awful and I was very unfair to you. I found the sign I...” “Please let me finish! I swear that it was never my intention to harm anyone but my decision to come to Puebla in pursuit of an absurd revenge has hurt a lot people, especially you.” “Why are you telling me all this?” “Because it’s the truth. I clung to you (aferrarse ) and tried to force things but it’s time for me to leave you alone.” “Did you stop loving me?” He steps closer and caresses her face: “No, no, my love. No, Lucía. That would never ever happen. But I realized that I’m not the man who can make you happy.” “Marcelo, you are the only man I want to be with, forever!” “And you’re the only woman for me!” Smoocheroo. He interrupts the kiss and, fighting back tears, he says: “But there are too many things that prevent us from being together. Lucía, I wish you the very best. I hope you are very happy. I promise I won’t bother you again.” He walks away and she chases after him: “No, no, no! Marcelo!” He hesitates for a second but continues walking towards the door. She cries out to him, unable to contain her sobs: “Marcelo! Don’t leave!” He leaves nonetheless because the writers decided so. A devastated Lucía sits at the bottom of the stairs of doom and weeps with abandon. If it’s any consolation, here’s a nugget of wisdom that has helped many people survive romantic disappointment: “Si amas a alguien, déjalo ir. Si regresa, es porque alguien más también lo dejó ir. Es decir que nadie quiere a esa porquería. If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, it’s because someone else let them go as well. In other words, nobody wants that piece of trash.”
Thank you for visiting our patio. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!
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Permalink posted by Nandicta @ 1:43 PM
Hey Patio Pals! Sorry for the lateness and for the length. Enjoy the discussion! Good night :)
Permalink posted by Nandicta : Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 1:45:00 PM EST
Thank you so much, Nandicta! I love how worried Nora was about plot earring but as soon as Lucia was out of the room she went back to what she was originally doing, ruining her sister's relationship. And here I thought she was trying to be nice but no one is nice in matters of the heart.
Marcelo was so dumb for breaking up with Lucia. You;'ve been through so much and she still wants you dude but here you are breaking it off because you hurt her. It would've made more sense after she found out about him and Rebeca but at this stage in the game it feels so forced.
Also, so much unnecessaru blame going around. I'm sorry Alfredo but Marcelo didn't drive Daniela to do anything or drive like a maniac. She did it all by herself.
Permalink posted by Superalfie : Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 2:05:00 PM EST
Nandicta that was worth the wait...yes, 52 slaps Lucia is up to 12 and Rebecca has been slapped 10 times now - YEAH! if that's any consolation for the fact that she has gotten away with so many murders.
I agree. Marcelo is to blame for everything even that my eye was red 2 days ago, that the computer didn't forward my prescription to CVS pharmacy. I just want to slap him!
I knew Rodrigo had the ultimate goal of trying to win Lucia, but I really did hope he wanted to expose his father in the process. Doesn't look like he is co-signing illegal behavior which made me lose the last little bit of sympathy I had for that a$$.
Oh Nora. Doomed to hang herself when she realizes that her mother has been lying to her all along.
Daniela...damnit! Death really would have been good enough for her. I would have accepted this...we lose Alonso but we have to keep Daniela? Marcelo's fault!
I must say that when Marcelo chose to end his chase of Lucia, I really did a slow clap. I'm so glad. I'm so happy. I was so over it. She vowed to stick by him even if her father wanted to forbid their relationship and the first thing she does is break up with him "again" and try to get him to leave town. I didn't mind that she was mad at him when her father was lying on the floor or that she didn't really want to talk to him at first, but after that it should have been...please just give me a few days to let this go but call me or something. I'm glad he left her shattered. He didn't deserve to be thrown away and a couple of times for Dr. there!
Yes, I know they are bound to be together and maybe by that time I will be ok with it, but for now...whatever!
Stick with the juicy stuff like Slick Rick, killing team Amador and Becky, and even will Dr. Sara ever have the cobwebs removed from her cars undercarriage?
These are the things I want to know. Even with that crazy Millie sticking around to give it to Becky. Then she can go too.
- TheUpdatersoftelenovelasgh
- I am Emmanuel Hammond, a worshipa and a keyboardist, I live a life of simplicity and I really respect everyone no matter the rich or poor, religion or color.
I am Emmanuel Hammond, a worshipa and a keyboardist, I live a life of simplicity and I really respect everyone no matter the rich or poor, religion or color.
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