Marcelo promises a comatose Daniela that he will be at her side as long as she needs her and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
Rebeca walks into her off and gets into a shouting match with Nora. She demands know why no one tells her anything, ever, including the fact that Lucia is now working at Talavera Gaxiola. Rebeca explains that she was already working there but Nora tells her it’s different. She’s now there full time, doing important things and no one ever asks her to do important things. Rebeca wants to know what she wants and Nora tells her that she needs to take care of her interests. Rebeca tells her that she can do the job as Lucia does but she needs to prepare herself and she doesn’t want her near Rodrigo. Nora tells her she’ll think about it and Rodrigo is the last person she wants in her life.
Lucia gets to her closet of an office (la pobre) and sees working clearing out the mess. Rodrigo explains that he asks several workers to help clear it out but Lucia tells them that it’s not necessary. When they’ve left, she goes off on Rodrigo but he tells her that he’s only trying to help and proposes that she occupy his office in the mean time. Lucia makes it clear that he’s only making her uncomfortable and needs to stop trying to help her. Rodrigo tells her that she doesn’t have to be so mean to him because she’s having problems with Marcelo; he’s already paid his debt for all he did to her.
Leti is having lunch with Sara. She tells her that she’s going to confess her feelings to Sergio today if he doesn’t make a move since they have an unexpected close encounter yesterday. She then inadvertently tells Sara that she had seen Ricardo yesterday as well because she wanted to inquire about Daniela. Sara is taken aback but doesn’t mind and tells Leti that Daniela is doing better. Leti tells her that Ricardo is no longer with Daniela and then explains that she asked Ricardo if he ever loved Sara. He couldn’t answer because Amador came. Leti then asks Sara if she ever loved Ricardo and Sara confesses that she did. She fell deeply in love with him after she graduated but stopped the relationship when she found out that he was engaged with Magdalena. When she found out she was pregnant, he had already left Magdalena at the altar and disappeared so she couldn’t tell him. Leti then asks what she would do if he wanted to be with her again and Sara laughs it off. She only thinks about Alonso Gaxiola, that’s why it’s her destiny to be alone.
Amador is having lunch with Ricardo and explains that Rebeca demanded he fire him from Marcelo’s case. Ricardo warns Amador that he can change his testimony regarding the night Ligia died and Amador asks that he not remind him. Ricardo asks what he will do then and Amador tells him that he will continue working with him but he needs him to do it quietly while he tells Rebeca that he did as she asked. Amador then tells her that Rebeca doesn’t even acknowledge they were together and that he was an idiot for leaving Magdalena because he would have everything now, instead of nothing. Ricardo confesses that that is the ONLY mistake he’s ever made in his life.
Magdalena meets with her OB/GYN and shows him her test results. He confirms that everything is in order so Magdalena wants to know why she hasn’t conceived yet. He explains that it doesn’t necessarily happen in an instant. In fact, the more they stress about having a child, the harder it may be. Magdalena tells him that she isn’t stressed enough to prevent conception but she knows her age may make things harder. The doctor proposes that they rerun all the tests to make sure everything is in order. He asks her to change to begin the tests.
Marcelo tells Alfredo and Milagros that Daniela looks better and he even felt her press his hand. Alfredo then receives a call from someone who asks him to meet. He agrees and then tells Marcelo and Milagros that he will leave and return in an hour. Milagros asks that he keep them updated and Alfredo thanks them for coming. When he’s left, Milagros tells Marcelo that they still have to wait to see the consequences that accident will have on Daniela. She will need a lot of support, especially Marcelo’s. Marcelo tells her he knows and they leave.
Outside the hospital, Sara runs into Alfredo and tells him that she’s glad Daniela is doing a lot better. Alfredo thanks her for her help despite not being personally in charge of the case. Sara tells her that she appreciates Marcelo a lot and he personally asked that she monitor Daniela’s case. Either way, they’re not from Puebla so she’s glad she can help them out while they’re there. Alfredo thanks her again and Sara leaves.
Clarita gets home with groceries and apologizes to her comadre for being so late. Clarita then asks her where Benito is and she explains that Benito is in his room, angry with her because her asked her to take him to the police station to tell them that Clarita had nothing to do with Trini’s death and she refused. Clarita thinks it’s too risky but her comadre tells her that it would give her peace of mind, especially because they could follow her and find out where she lives. Clarita asks that she please be careful but then wonders if she could talk to Lucia because she was really nice to her the first time. Her comadre asks if she will go find her and Clarita tells her that she won’t but if she runs into her, she will tell her everything.
Normita tells Lucia that she’s happy to have her in the factory, it’s like Alonso is still with them. He was such a good man and it’s a shame that the last day he came to the factory, she didn’t know it was her last time seeing him. Lucia asks her if he felt bad the last day he was there but Normita tells her he was fine, especially after the shouting match he got into with Marcelo. Lucia then asks if he spoke with Rebeca but Normita doesn’t know if he did. Lucia thanks her and Normita leaves. Lucia then remembers her confrontation with Rebeca about Plot Earring and the list of places Rebeca went to the night Alonso died.
Alfredo meets with his PI, who confirms that Rebeca and Adriana Murillo are the same person; one just uses the other’s name when it’s convenient. He then shows Alfredo a hotel registry where Rebeca signed in as Adriana and then shows him security camera photos of the same hotel, confirming Rebeca’s identity. The PI then shows him photos of Federico entering Rebeca’s room as well. Alfredo confirms everything he thought was true.
Nazario finds Lalo and asks him about what he was going to tell him earlier. Lalo tells him that he wanted to recommend a woman that moved into his building, who is in dire need of a job, as his cleaning lady. Nazario tells him that it’s a shame but he already has Rafaela doing that and he wouldn’t want to back out. Lalo tells him that it’s a shame because this lady has a son with a disability but he asks Nazario to tell him if anything comes up.
Milagros is forbidding Rafaela from going to Nazario’s house to help him clean up. Rafaela tells her that she already worked with him and he’s an older man who needs help and she already promised. Milagros tells her that she’s her employee but Rafaela counters that Marcelo pays her since she went to go live with Daniela. Marcelo comes in and demands to know what is going on. Milagros explains that situation but Rafaela tells him that it’s Nazario’s house and Marcelo tells her it’s okay. Milagros leaves in a huff, knowing she’s lost.
Roman comes out of his office and finds Lucia. He asks his secretary to go home and then Lucia asks him if the day Alonso died Rebeca came to visit him. Roman confirms that she did, worried about Nora, but he doesn’t remember the time. He asks Lucia why she wants to know but she confesses that it’s something personal and she shouldn’t talk about it. Roman asks her if there’s anything else he can do for her and Lucia asks if he wants to go to dinner, since her father died dining at home hasn’t been the same. Roman is happy to accompany her and they leave.
Rebeca gets home and finds Alfredo waiting for her. He calls her Adriana with a sly smile and asks if she prefers to be called Rebeca. Rebeca wants to know how he found her and Alfredo tells her that he has contacts whom help him. Rebeca slams close the office doors and asks him what he wants. Alfredo wants to know why when they met 20 years ago she presented herself with her sister’s name, the same name she used when she met Federico, Marcelo’s half brother. Rebeca is speechless but Alfredo is not taking things lying down. He wants to know why she did it or he will personally ask Nora, who’s preparing a coffee for him. Rebeca proposes that they meet tomorrow, privately, and he gives her his card with an address to his apartment. Rebeca takes it as Nora walks in and Alfredo announces that he has to go but he thanks them for the hospitality. He turns around at the door and Nora notices a strange look pass between them. When he’s left, Nora asks if she finally reminds him and Rebeca answers that she might before going upstairs.
Leti and Sergio are closing up shop. Sergio is almost out the door when Leti asks him if he’s going to invite her anywhere to talk. Sergio tells her that he already has plans with Rodrigo and Leti asks if those plans are more important. Sergio confesses that they’re not and Leti calls him out on his hot-and-cold game. She smiles and plants a kiss on him. Sergio immediately responses and continues to kiss her as Felicia walks in on them. She hands Sergio some documents before running out and him and Leti laugh at the situation. Leti then asks him if his plans with Rodrigo are more important and he confesses that they are not and kisses her.
Felicia comes into Mario’s office in a huff. She tells him that she found Leti and Sergio in a compromising situation. Mario asks her what he saw and Felicia tells him that she saw them kissing and she’s sure that Leti was seducing him. Mario tells her that they’re both adults and it was about time they sorted out their feelings. He then bids her good night and leaves her there.
Lucia thanks Roman for taking her to dinner. He confesses that the pleasure of her company is all his. Lucia then tells him that she feels such peace when she’s with him and he smiles. He then asks her how Marcelo’s legal troubles are going and she explains that she hopes he’s cleared but he’s out on bail for now. Roman asks why she looks so down and Lucia explains that they can’t be together despite the fact that he’s no longer in jail. Roman tells her that that makes him hopeful and Lucia tells him that she doesn’t know but she enjoys his company. He smiles and offers her more wine.
Milagros and Marcelo walk into the same restaurant and Milagros chides him for taking her out only to make her feel better about siding with Rafaela. They walk to the hostess table and Milagros notices that Lucia and Roman are dining at one of the tables and points it out to Marcelo. Milagros proposes that they go elsewhere but he wants to stay. He sits down facing them and Lucia notices Marcelo. Roman then asks her what’s wrong and she tells him that Marcelo is across the room. Roman proposes that they leave but Lucia wants to stay.
Milagros tells Marcelo that that’s the man she saw talking to Lucia when Marcelo was at the hospital. Marcelo looks over at them. Milagros then tells him that she thinks he’s the same one she was hugging in the photo. Lucia then gives Roman a hearty laugh and Milagros comments on how fast Lucia moved on from Marcelo. She then asks him if Marcelo knows him and he explains that he’s a psychiatrist and his name is Roman Andrade. Milagros laughs and tells him that a psychiatrist is just what she needs. Marcelo chides her for laughing and asks that they change the subject.
Nazario meets with Sara for coffee. Sara asks if he has any news about Clarita but he probably would’ve told her if he did. Nazario tells her that he would inform her of anything over the phone so she doesn’t have to make the drive out there. He then asks her if anything is wrong and Sara confesses that she found out some new information about Alonso’s heart attack, namely, that as soon as Rebeca is about to be discovered, someone close to her dies and all her troubles are over. Nazario wants to know who told her this but Sara tells him it doesn’t matter. Nazario tells her that he’s heard that before too though but doesn’t say who told him. He proposes that they find the proof they need to make sure those who hurt them and their loved ones pay. One day he will find out who killed Trini because he’s sure it wasn’t Clarita.
Lalo explains to Clarita that the person he was going to recommend already found someone but she shouldn’t worry because he already found her work with Normita, his job’s secretary. He hands her the address and tells her to find her tomorrow before she goes to work. Clarita thanks him and asks why he’s so nice to her. Lalo tells her it’s nothing but he sees that she hasn’t had an easy life. Clarita tells him that he hasn’t had it easy but she can support everything except her child’s pain. She explains that no one has been able to tell her what he has and Lalo laments that these things happen to good people, especially a young kid like Benito.
Marcelo is chugging down wine with a sourpuss face and Milagros asks if Lucia breaking up with him and going out with Roman has hurt him that much. Marcelo confesses that he broke up with her because, like she’s said billions of times, they only hurt each other. Milagros confesses that she hates seeing him like this but he only needs a change of scenery. She proposes that they go to Mexico when Daniela is better but Marcelo explains that he can’t leave Puebla till the fraud case is cleared up. Milagros tells him everything will be okay and then they see Lucia has left with Roman.
Rebeca is outside her house, thinking about how everything has gone wrong, when Nora finds her. She asks Rebeca if she’s mad because she let Alfredo in but Rebeca tells her she isn’t. Nora tells her that she’s surprised she isn’t because when she tried to talk to her about him she cut her off. Rebeca explains that she didn’t find any reason to talk about someone she met years ago. Nora remembers when she first told her about Alfredo and how she said she didn’t recognize him and comments on the immense coincidence that he’s also Daniela’s father. Rebeca tells her that it’s strange and Nora asks why she’s so mad. Rebeca screams that he doesn’t matter and Nora tells her that she’ll leave her be.
Leti and Sergio are kissing outside her house and they separate long enough for him to confess that he thought she was still hung up on Mario or liked Rodrigo. Leti tells him that she was jealous when he started going out with Gloria but they’re no longer together. She then asks if he still likes Nora and Sergio tells her not to be insecure. She smiles and they kiss as Sara walks in and catches them. She rings the bell outside the door and asks them why they don’t go inside. Sergio tells her that he just came to drop her off and Sara bids them good night and goes inside. Sergio, embarrassed, quickly kisses her goodbye and Leti goes inside, screaming about how happy she is. She immediately hugs Sara and confesses that she finally took the initiative with Sergio. Sara is happy for her but asks her to be careful because they work together and will need to learn how to separate their private and professional lives. Leti tells her that they will be fine.
Magdalena explains to Mario that the doctor’s visit went okay and he is going to rerun every test. Mario tells her that she’s told him a few times and Magdalena asks if he’s okay with her decision. Mario tells her that he’s perfect with it but if, after everything, they can’t conceive, he wants her to know that she’s enough for him. Magdalena tells him that the doctor is sure she can still conceive and Mario agrees but he wants it to be very clear that he loves her with or without children. They kiss.
Lucia gets home and finds Nora waiting for her. Nora asks if she was working and Lucia tells her that she was dining with Roman. Nora tells her that she should go out with him more because he may help her forget Marcelo. Lucia tells her she might and tries to go upstairs. Nora stopped her and asks if she knows Daniela’s father, Alfredo. Lucia tells her that she doesn’t and Nora explains that he turned out to be an acquaintance of Rebeca and he even came to talk to her. She comments on how crazy the situation is and Lucia agrees.
The next morning, Alfredo opens his front door to find Rebeca. She wishes him a good morning and he comments on her punctuality. Once inside, Alfredo asks that she start talking. Rebeca doesn’t know what he wants but confesses that she introduced herself as Adriana because she was always jealous of her sister. She thinks she did it as a way to feel as loved as she did. Alfredo tells her that that sounds demented but Rebeca tells him that she always lived under Adriana’s shadow, even after she died and she married Alonso. Rebeca confesses that Alonso never forgot Adriana and always compared them. Alfredo tells her that it’s strange that Alonso married a pair of sisters and asks why Rebeca didn’t just leave him if she was so unhappy. Rebeca agrees and wonders that her life would’ve been like if she would’ve stayed with Alfredo. She confesses she never forgot him and kisses him…LIKE, COMMENT AND SHARE TO APPRECIATE
- TheUpdatersoftelenovelasgh
- I am Emmanuel Hammond, a worshipa and a keyboardist, I live a life of simplicity and I really respect everyone no matter the rich or poor, religion or color.
I am Emmanuel Hammond, a worshipa and a keyboardist, I live a life of simplicity and I really respect everyone no matter the rich or poor, religion or color.
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