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I am Emmanuel Hammond, a worshipa and a keyboardist, I live a life of simplicity and I really respect everyone no matter the rich or poor, religion or color.


Alfonsina is on the cusp of telling Karina the truth about the blanks that Doc has been shooting but we cut away to the argument between Jero and Nata. In his frustration and bitterness, Jero walks out on Nata in disgust. She hits her knees in tears.
Alfonsina tells Karina that Doc is sterile. Kari is impactada. She hyperventilates and hurries out of the room.
Matias and Julieta chat over coffee. She wants to meet Adriana and make amends. He agrees to introduce them.
Chema carries Adriana into the kitchen and offers to teach her all of his cooking secrets. She is bummed out because of Honorio's situation but Chema is determined to cheer her up. He dons on an apron, puts a chef hat on Adri, and they start baking a cake. They toss eggs and flour at each other - a scene reminiscent of the Chema/Coni food flirtation from several weeks ago.
Lazaro finds Karina crying and comforts her. Kari openly sobs about how Doc always blamed her for being a bad wife because she could not have children. In reality, it was his fault all along. Laz says Kari doesn't deserve all the tears Doc made her cry. She vows to give Doc an earful.
Constanza clutches a letter and cries as she waits for the police to bring Honorio in for a visit. He turns to leave as soon as he sees her but Coni cries that she needs him. Hon is embarrassed that she has to see him there; he wrote it in the letter that he doesn't want her or Adriana to see him locked up. Coni needs Hon's advice: she thinks that Fina is the woman who ruined Regina's life and kidnapped her daughter. (Hooray! Coni discovered that 2 + 2 does indeed equal 4.)
Coni figured out that the dates that Pepa was in Oaxaca coincide with the dates that Fina was supposedly there as well. One of Fina's daughters might be Regina's. After all, both Coni and Hon have seen how awfully Fina treats Nata. Hon assures Coni she isn't crazy for thinking such a thing about Fina. (Lets just hope this development doesn't eventually earn Coni the number one slot on Fina's hit list.)
Regina gives Gonzo an invitation to the gala. The Monterrubios are in no mood to party but Gonzo wants to go so he can be with Regi. She tells Gonzo that she wants to invite Jero to the party. Gonzo has no problem with it as long as they steer away from the topic of Nata.
Speaking of changing the topic, Gonzo thinks he and Regi should announce an engagement at the gala. He makes a big show of telling Regi that he is finally divorced from the Fina Monster. He scoops her up into a big hug and Regi has stars in her eyes.
Agustin pours Nata a glass of wine and listens to her complaints about Jero. Nata is now officially divorced. Augie says that Nata can move on and begin a new chapter of her life now that Jero is gone for good.
Jero takes a nighttime walk with Gitana. He strokes her mane and wonders how he could have been so cruel to Nata.
Constanza arrives home and spies Adriana and Chema goofing around in the kitchen. It reminds her of her own flirty food time she spent with Chema. Coni crashes the party and the temperature in the room drops a few degrees. Chema wipes an icing mustache off his face and takes his leave. An awkward silence passes between the two ladies.
Honorio broods in his jail cell. He swears that once he gets out of jail, he will forgive Constanza for everything that happened between them and help her figure out how to proceed with the PepaFina problem.
Alfonsina tentatively asks to talk with Ezequiel over breakfast. She tells him that her baby is his. Alfi leaves it up to him whether he wants to be in his child's life or not.
Augie has business to attend to but hates to leave Nata. She assures him she will be fine on her own.
Over the phone, Regi tries to convince Jero to come to the gala. Jero is too down in the dumps. Plus, Jero is furious with Gonzo because he (Gonzo) had Nata sent to hide at Augie's hacienda. Regina is shocked but believes that Jero is reaping what he sowed in regards to Nata. Nata is treating Jero the way he used to treat her.
Carlos shows off his new digs to his parents. His madre sticks her nose up in the air and criticizes everything. It isn't good enough for her hijo.
Jero replays Nata's words in his mind and Marina interrupts his hair-tugging and self-kicking. She invites him to her uncle's birthday party and Nata wanders over. Jero agrees to think about it and makes sure Nata seems him kiss Marina's hand.
Marina excuses herself and Nata starts a fight with Jero over Gitana. She wants her moved back to Augie's ranch. They argue and Jero asks Nata what she was doing in his room the other night.
Carlos is all excitement and smiles while thinking about the wedding. His parents want to meet their future daughter-in-law that afternoon.
Jero refuses to believe Nata when she denies having been in his room. He felt her presence and smelled her perfume. He grabs Nata and says that dreams do not wear perfume. Nata makes Jero let her go so she can collect her horse.
Karina prays for strength in her situation with Doc. She suffered for so long because Doc blamed her for not being able to have children. Kari feels so resentful and furious; she doesn't know what to do.
Jero trails Nata into the fields. Nata is tired of opening old wounds about La Bonita and tells Jero to scram.
The bells of doom chime as Constanza comes in to work at the centro kitchen. Chema asks her why she has been so distant lately. She crumbles about feeling overwhelmed, sad, and alone. Chema hops over the table and offers to help. Coni says there are some things in her life she does not want him to get involved in. Chema pulls her up and gives her a hug.
Regina, Ines, and Cata make plans for the gala. Regi wants everything to be perfect for the donors. Cata has a hissy fit about Regi mentioning the Monterrubios and leaves to look at glassware. Ines and Regi squeal in excitement over Regi's upcoming engagement.
Matias tells Gonzo that he plans to start going out with Adriana again. Gonzo hopes the news will cheer Honorio up a little. Gonzo tells Matias that he is going to propose to Regina. Both fellas are ridiculously happy.
Blanca, incognito in an ugly track suit, meets up with Daniel in a mall. She checks him to make sure he isn't hiding a microphone. Too bad she's a crummy detective and doesn't notice that they are being watched. A cop in a nearby store has them on camera. Blanca is upset that Nata got away. She vows that Gonzo will be the next to fall for getting in the way of her plans.
Fina is surprised to hear that Roberta left the house with her luggage earlier that morning. Hija dearest answers the phone from the airport. She tells Mami to deal with all the trouble on her own. Berta is going out of town for some fresh air.
Augie does some business over the phone and a huge dude meets up with him at a cafe. Augie slides him an envelope of cash and puts the hit out on Doc Nesme. (Oh, Christmas has come early for viewerville!)
Carlos gives Matilde the gift from his parents. It's a traditional dress from where he is from. She will get to wear it that very night at dinner. Mati is deliriously happy.
Nata remembers bumping into Marina at the airport. How could Jero move on so quickly after having gone to such lengths to prove his love for her? She cries at her own stupidity for believing him. It's over. Never again will Nata be the same sentimental and romantic girl who believed in eternal love.
Jero vents to Carlos and vows that Renata is never to set another foot on La Bonita soil.
Marina wonders how Nata and Jero could have ended up so resentful of each other. She noticed a great passion between the two of them.
Nata tells Augie that she has decided to live her life in a different way. Augie admits that he has been in love with Nata since the first time he saw her. "Now that you are a free woman, I don't want to waste anymore time. Will you marry me?"
Nata recalls all the nasty things Jero did to her while she was married to him. She stares at the ring and says yes. (!!!) Augie puts the ring on her finger and they kiss.

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