Durga cried very badly and blamed Soni for Veer's death, while Lovely is consoling her and tells her not to cry. Cherry just gives a face as if she does not care. Durga hit herself and question God what He have done with her. Mahi meanwhile tell Shabd, his uncle and aunt that tomoroow is the chota and after the way Durga aunt treated Soni, she don't think it is right to take her there tomorrow. Shabd agrees that Soni will not go there tomorrow. Just then, Parmeet enters the show and calls out Jyoti's name. Jyoti is shocked to see that her husband back from Canada. Behenji calls Mahi up and tells her Soni has disappeared from home. Mahi is shocked and says where could Soni go in her state. The moment she turns her head, she is shocked to see Soni standing at the entrance like a statue. Everybody is shocked to see her there. Soni walks in to the room while looking at Veer's picture. Durga sees her and just turns her head. Cherry looks amused to see her. Shabd and Mahi are too shocked and are just watching her. Everybody is shocked to see her walking towards Veer's picture. She just goes towards in and sits down in front of it. She is silently crying and Mahi looks at her with a sad face. Durga sees her and has tears in her eyes and she just asks Soni that now what have she come to get here? As soon as she says that Mahi looks at Durga. Durga tells her get out of the house but Soni is just looking at Veer's pictures. Durga asks if she did not understand when someone tells her something? Mahi has tears in her eyes because she can't bear to see Soni's condition. Durga again tells her to just go from the house now that there is no space for her in the house. Soni ignore her and is just looking at Veer's picture with tears in her eyes while Cherry watches this with happiness. Durga tells Soni that she is talking to her and asks if she can not hear or is she deaf? A shock Mahi looks at Durga. An upset Durga says she ( Soni) won't go like this. Durga gets up from her seat and so does Mahi quickly stand up. Durga holds Soni's hand and tries to drag her out but someone stops her by holding her hand. Durga looks up and sees Mahi. Mahi is furious and rudely tells Durga that's enough. Seeing that she looks so angry, everybody is watching the scene while Shabd runs towards them to stop further argument. He politely asks his aunt to stop and understand the moment of time. Mahi angrily tells Durga that she have insulted all of them very badly and not just today but lots of times and asks her stop now as they cannot tolerate it. She folds her hands in front of Durga to please forgive them. Durga lets go of Soni's hand and asks Mahi what will she do. Mahi tells her that she will take her sister out of the house and she swear upon Mata Rani goddess that she will never step in the house until she prove that Soni is not guilty and until she don't clear everything she will not let Soni come to the house. She further adds that Soni will only come in the house after they all find out about her innocence and they all will also know how the actual culprit is. Mahi turns her face towards Cherry when she says that and swear that she ( Durga ) will come to her house and beg for Soni to come back home. By then they will decide if Soni will stay with her ( Durga) or not, and asks Soni to come on. Mahi and Shabd pick Soni up and take her but Soni stops at the door and looks at Veer's picture and cries more. Shabd tells Soni to come, Durga just stands there in anger while they all leave. At Sareen residence, Soni is making a sketch of the person that tried to kill her but killed Veer. Mahi and Shabd talks to the inspector who informs them that they have started the investigation on Veer's death before they were stopped because the Khurana family were devastated and now it is essential to find out who the criminal is as it is the question of their honour. Mahi looks at Soni and sadly looks back. The inspector says he understand. Mahi has tears running down her face and tells the inspector that right now they only want one thing and that is to find out who the criminal is so that they can go through the same state Veer has gone through. Mahi starts crying even more and Shabds console her that it's enough as she have cried a lot, he asks her to control herself otherwise who will control Soni. Mahi nods and wipes her tears. Shabd tells the inspector that Veer was more than a brother to him and he was his philosopher, his guide and more than that but he just don't understand who can be the enemy of such a good person. The inspector says that is the question that is bothering all the inspectors and respectfully address Shabd as Mr. Sareen. Shabd says he have heard that sometimes a persons goodness becomes their enemy and tells the inspector that now, their should be no delay to find the criminal of Veer's death and that person should be in jail as soon as possible, and further tells the inspector that he can ask for any help from them and plead with him that they are available 24/7. The inspector thanks Shabd that they just hope that Veer's family support him like he is then he is sure they reach the killer very soon. The artist meanwhile is asking Soni about the killers ears or any other detail she can remember. She replied that the person had a beard. The artist ask what colour was it his eyes and if it's white? She says she can't remember. The artist sketches the eyes and asks Soni if they are the same. Soni says yes that's how they were. The artist asks if their was any cuttings on the face? Soni shouts at him that she told him she did not see him from that close. Mahi turns around and so does Shabd, the artist looks at her. Mahi goes towards Soni and a flabbergasted Soni asks the artist how many times did he want her to tell him that Cherry did all of this. Mahi begs Soni to control herself. Soni tells Mahi to please tell them to gets Cherry as because of her Veer….but the inspector interrupts her that he fully sympathise with her and what she is saying can be true and that's hats why they are asking her questions so that she can tell them something that can be good evidence against the criminal. He requests Soni that she have write down some important facts about the killer such as the style of walking, the style of sitting and standing, looking style, laughing style, style of talking and something that is different from others and asks to try to remember. Mahi also asks Soni to try to remember and that she must have remember something. Soni remembers a flashback, she shuts her eyes and start crying. She quickly moves away from there and goes up the stairs. The inspector apologize to Shabd that he think they are being a bit too hasty. Mahi tells Shabd that she will go to Soni and he allow her to go. She goes upstairs while the policemen are leaving. The inspector reminds Shabd that the way Soni has described the picture it is half done and he don't think anyone apart from her has seen the killer. He later tells Shabd that they will check the police record maybe it will match somebody's and if it matches someone then it will not take him long to reach that person. They inspector leaves. Jeet on the other hand looks at the picture of the killer and tells the inspector that none of them recognise the picture . The inspector tells Jeet to look at the picture carefully, as the face could match the killer of her brother. Jeet explain to the inspector they have not seen the killer by the time they reached the cliff as the killer had escaped. The inspector then tells Jeet that he may not be able to help them. The inspector goes to Mr Khurana and asks if he is right? An helpless Mr Khurana tells the inspector that he wish he knew who the killer of his innocent child is, he would have kill them with his own hands. The inspector inform them that they first need to know what cause the death of such a trustworthy officer and asks who has an advantage of killing Veer? Mr. Khurana reply the inspector that he just don't understand and they don't know anyone who is Veer's enemy as he was good at making friends with everyone since his childhood days. Just then, Parmeet walks in while they are talking. The inspector asks who she is? Mr. Khurana reply that Parmeet is their son-in-law. The inspector nods his head. Mr Khurana further explain that Parmeet has left all of his work in Canada as soon as he heard about Veer. The inspector then then he don't think he know anything about the case. Jeet declined that none of them know anything about this and that Parmeet has just come to India and asks who could kill such a brotherly person. On hearing Jeet saying this, Mr. Khurana holds on to the table as he is about to fall. Jeet calls out to his dad seeing this. Parmeet asks his father-in-law to control himself and that it's true nobody knows anything and asks who could kill such a person like Veer and whoever has done this, they should make sure they don't spear them. Cherry walks down the stairs . Parmeet further plead with inspector to give the culprits the worst punishment ever. The inspector says definitely whoever the killer is will not be able to run away from them for too long. He further informs the Khurana's that the killers did not want to kill their son but their daughter-in-law Soni. Cherry looks up shocked and everybody else is shocked. The inspector explain to them that their son just got killed because he went to save his wife but got shot instead. He asks Veer's family if they can tell him why anybody wants to kill Soni Khurana. Durga asks how would they know that, and she tells the inspector that they don't know anything and they don't know what matters Soni went into. Mr. Khurana tells the inspector that they don't want to talk more about this as recently they have found out a lot of bad things about Soni that decent people do not repeat and this is why Veer was more worried these days and that's all they know. Jeet blunt out and tells the inspector that this is not the true and it is just in their head because nobody knows the real truth. He request the inspector not to come to a conclusion until he picture is clear. The inspector says that is the first thing all inspectors have to do and until the picture is not clear, they can not come to a conclusion. Until then, they don't held anyone responsible or not responsible. The inspector goes to Cherry and says it doesn't matter who it is. The inspector then goes up to Durga and says he can agree to her that Mr. Veer Khurana was upset with Mrs. Soni Khurana and asks them why did Veer leave the hospital if his life was in danger then why did he put his life at stake and go to save Mrs. Soni Khurana. The inspector further adds that Mrs. Soni Khurana was involved in another matter then his experience says she should not be worried and somebody else should be and till now they have found out that those people wanted to kill only Mrs. Soni Khurana, he asks but why and who sent them there?. Cherry gets scared after hearing this. The inspector goes to Cherry and asks if she know anything about this addressing her as Mrs. Cherry Khurana. Cherry deny that she don't know anything about this and asks how would she know. The inspector reminds her that on Veer's Chote day, Mrs Soni Khurana accused her of killing Mr. Veer. A mean Cherry says anybody can blame someone else but when another person blames a person, it is very hard to digest it and she still don't understad why Soni said all of this about her as she never wanted bad for her. She starts crying and says maybe her mental balance has been messed up from all of this. She asks Durga why her? Durga tells the inspector they have told him once that they don't know anything about Soni and her whereabouts. She further tells the inspector that when Soni wanted to she would leave the house and when she wanted to, she would come back during this period and they don't know what she used to do. Cherry secretively wipes her tears while Durga says they are straight forward people, and they don't know why someone would want to kill Soni. She try to change the inspector mind that they have lost their child and what is the point in finding out the killer of their child as Veer won't come back. The inspector goes to jeet and informs him that he is going now and leaves. Jeet who still feels that Cherry have a hand in it angrily looks at her and she just walks away. A scared Cherry goes outside and talks to the killer on phone to take their people and leave the place as soon as possible and if needed to leave the country. The guy asks what is the big issue that she is telling them this, and reminds Cherry that they are hiding and until the matter is cooled down they will not step outside. He asks Cherry not to worry as the police will not reach them and if they can't reach them then how will they reach her. Cherry gets angry and tells him to shut up and calling him idiot that because of him there is so much problems and reminds him that she told him to kill Soni and he killed veer. She adds that Soni is walking around freely and further reminds him not to forget that Soni has seen his face and if Soni makes a sketch of him then they will reach him and then reach her straight after. She asks if he understand and that's why she is telling him to leave quickly as the police have already started making sketches but have not reached his face yet, and that he should be lucky they have not, she then begs him to just leave and make sure he don't leave any clues behind and that he can have as much money as he want for this. The man says okay madam. She puts the phone down and turns around and is shocked to see Jeet. Parmeet walks in to Jyoti's room while Jyoti is standing by the bed. She looks mad and asks him why he came to her room because she has already got the guest room ready for him. He walks up to her. He says that ever since he came he is been trying to tell her something but she keeps avoiding him. She says then what else should she do as there's nothing left in between them to say. He tells her not to be like that and remind her that she is his wife and the vows round the sacred fire and further tells her not to take their marriage as a joke and that he thought she would have realized her mistake by now. She tells him not to try to explain to her and he says he know she don't want to listen but he will try to tell her one more time. They both argue not to bring it up and he angrily leaves her room and asks her think about their relationship for the sake of her mother and father. He says a lot of emotional dialougue as well in order to convince her. Soni has a dream about the incident she wakes up screaming out Veer's name. Mahi, Shabd, Mohi and Aunt Billo rush in the room to see what's wrong and they offer to give her sleeping pills. She tells them that it's okay and she knows Veer is with her and says something about her child. Back at the Khurana's house. Durga is on dinner table with her husband, Cherry, Jeet and Jyoti. Durga yells at the servant for not bringing paratha because she doesn't want Veer to go hungry, he stares at her and she yells at him to prepare what she asks him to do and then he leaves to get it. She calls Veer then realizes he's gone and she start mourning again. Cherry has sly smile on her face. Parmeet comes in and assures his mother-in-law not to worry that he is also her son and says more emotional dialogue to calm her down. Shabd on the other hand get a call from the police saying they still haven't found anyone to match picture. Mahi tells Shabd they have to do something. Shabd asks like what. Mahi says they should re-do a DNA test from a new hospital to prove the child is Veers then Cherry will be exposed as a liar. Shabd asks where will they get Veer DNA. Mahi tells him to get it from the place from where Cherry did the DNA test and they can still have the lab information. Shabd calls Jeet up and asks him for the lab number that Veer got his DNA done at. Jeet asks what DNA report. Shabd says he wanted the number and address of that lab, and tells him to look at the DNA report and get the name of the place as it should be on it. Jeet says okay that he will call back after he check. Cherry who is at the back is shocked to hear this. While Jeet is lookin everywhere for the report, Cherry says to herself that these people will not sit in one place until they prove the DNA wrong and decides do something to get the DNA before Jeet find it. Later in the living room, Durga call Cherry over and introduce her to her aunt named Santosh? and she tells Cherry to touch her feet as she is elder. In order to prove that Soni is carrying Veer's child, Mahi and Shabd went to the hospital and know if the DNA was there but find out that it's missing. Veer's picture is put-up at the house and Durga cries touching his picture. Parmeet says that he put the picture up so everyone could see Veer's picture all the time. Durga cries and Parmeet says he's sorry to have made her cry. Parmeet promises to try to be equal of Veer to them if possible. Jyoti hears their conversation. Parmeet hugs both his parents in-laws ( Mr and Mrs Khurana ) with no affection what-so-ever. Mahi talking about what happened in the lab (Veer's blood samples were stolen). Mahi can't understand what anyone would gain from stealing Veer's samples. Mahi and Shabd conclude that it must have been Cherry. They are wondering how she found out before they got there and Jeet comes there and says she must've heard him talking to them. Jeet promises to be with them through-out their investigation. They decide to trap Cherry. Soni walks in and Jeet looks at her sadly. He leaves asking Soni to take care of herself. Later, Inspector Chopra comes to Shabd's house and asks Soni if she can recognize anyone in the pictures he brought with him. Soni recognizes the guy that shot Veer. Inspector leaves and tell Shabd that the culprit will be caught soon. Jyoti is in her room thinking when Parmeet walks in. He tell Jyoti that he is taking her parents to the Gurdwara and asks her if she wants to come along and she refuses. She talks about her loneliness and Parmeet tells her that it was her choice to leave him. Durga walks-in and realizes that she walked in at the wrong time. Durga asks Jyoti to come along and Parmeet tries to cover up saying Jyoti's not coming because she has a headache however Jyoti tells her mother that she is coming. Mahi asks Soni to rest and that she will get food for her. Moni their mother comes in with food. Mahi goes to get Vitamins for Soni and drops some books. Moni gets up to put the book back and find a picture of Mahi's father there. She goes to Mahi and Soni and asks whose picture is his. Soni and Mahi look at her weirdly and Soni tells her that it is her father's picture. Moni then looks at the picture again and says oh yes…she says she's farsighted and asks Mahi to get a pair of glasses for her. Moni changes the topics and starts feeding Soni. Mahi is still not convinced that the strange woman is their mother. Moni leaves to get water and Mahi asks Soni how could she not recognize their father. Soni seems to have bought her explanation and tells Mahi that they should get her glasses. Mahi thinks to herself that she hope she is right because how could it be that their mother did not recognize their father?
- TheUpdatersoftelenovelasgh
- I am Emmanuel Hammond, a worshipa and a keyboardist, I live a life of simplicity and I really respect everyone no matter the rich or poor, religion or color.
I am Emmanuel Hammond, a worshipa and a keyboardist, I live a life of simplicity and I really respect everyone no matter the rich or poor, religion or color.
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